Studies have shown a direct correlation between data breaches and non-compliance. This isn’t to say that compliant companies never get breached, but to reinforce the importance of incident detection and response. Businesses have begun to realize the devastating consequences of data breaches—their finances and reputation are at stake, so many have been taking steps over the last few years to comply with the PCI DSS. The main goal is often an emphasis on achieving continuous compliance.
Azure lovers, we have good news for you. Our new years resolution in 2019 is to support the local Azure community. We kicked off with our first Azure Meetup in December. And as the numbers below suggest... people had a great time.
In this blog post we prepared monitoring http/s response times performance via WLSDM Back-End system monitoring features. URLs and URLConnections provide a relatively high-level mechanism for accessing resources on the Internet. Sometimes applications are require lower-level network communication, for example, when you want to write a client-server application.