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Sysdig 2020 Container Security Snapshot: Key image scanning and configuration insights

Today, we are excited to share our Sysdig 2020 Container Security Snapshot, which provides a sneak peak into our upcoming 2020 Container Usage Report As containers and Kubernetes adoption continue to increase, cloud teams are realizing they need to adopt a new workflow that embeds security into their DevOps processes. Secure DevOps, a variation of DevSecOps, embeds security and monitoring throughout the application lifecycle, from development through production.

What your company can learn from the Bank of England's resilience proposal

Learn how to modernize your financial systems with confidence while mitigating risk (and meeting compliance). This article was originally published on TechCrunch. The outages at RBS, TSB, and Visa left millions of people unable to deposit their paychecks, pay their bills, acquire new loans, and more.

Additional deployment environments for Bitbucket Pipelines

Bitbucket Pipelines provides teams with a one-stop solution to build, test, deploy and track their code, without ever leaving Bitbucket. Developers and release managers can easily track and visualize deployments, while non-technical teams can have visibility into what features are coming down the pipeline.

New Volume Reporting and Alerting Feature Announcements

We’re excited to announce the new Log Usage Dashboard designed to provide greater visibility into your log data volume consumption. This dashboard gives you in-depth visibility into your total log volume usage, so you can better manage—and optimize—your plan usage.

Migrate NGINX from "stable" Helm Charts Repo with ChartCenter

For the last four years, anyone wanting to deploy the Ingress NGINX Controller for Kubernetes would find its official Helm chart nginx-ingress in the stable repository maintained by the Helm project. Those days are over. And not just for NGINX, the most popular Ingress Controller used as a reverse proxy and load balancer, but for all open-source K8s apps. With the advent of Helm 3, the Helm project is deprecating the stable repositories.

What alerts should you have for serverless applications?

A key metric for measuring how well you handle system outages is the Mean Time To Recovery or MTTR. It’s basically the time it takes you to restore the system to working conditions. The shorter the MTTR, the faster problems are resolved and the less impact your users would experience and hopefully the more likely they will continue to use your product! And the first step to resolve any problem is to know that you have a problem.

6 Steps to Increase DevOps Velocity

Many organizations are looking to implement DevOps due to the promise of increased release velocity, better developmental agility, and the ability to free up time for developers to focus on innovation. However, adopting DevOps isn’t a panacea— instead, the idea of communication, collaboration, and blameless retrospectives that a DevOps model encourages can help foster a leaner system where bottlenecks are solved in a manner that not only fixes the problem, but also improves the process.

3 Ways Cluster Sprawl Creates Significant Waste and Risk For Your Organization

As various teams within your organization are discovering new ways to leverage Kubernetes, they’re adopting a growing number of clusters to support their project efforts. Unfortunately, this is where many of the challenges begin. While managing one Kubernetes cluster is not trivial, trying to manage multiple Kubernetes clusters across multiple environments becomes exponentially more difficult.

How to Select the Best Network Monitoring Tool for Your Needs

When it comes to protecting your company’s important data and network, it doesn’t matter what size your firm is, keeping things safe and running smoothly should be a top priority. For this reason, many invest in network monitoring tools like Pandora FMS. This is because we offer a software solution to make sure your network is always safe and secure around the clock. Let’s learn a bit more about the process of network monitoring and why it’s so important here!