Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Distributed Tracing Tools and New Industry Standards

Metrics and logs have been around for a long time, yet we haven’t adopted common standards for them. Sure, there have been attempts on the metric side with OpenMetrics. Similarly, tracing only got a standardization effort with OpenTracing just a few years ago. There was no effort in a unified approach to standardize all observability signals until OpenTelemetry began a little less than two years ago. And there has been a need.

G2 Crowd Users Rank Uptime.com Best in Support and Most Likely to Recommend

Uptime.com has been ranked #1 in Customer Support, and has been voted Most Likely to Recommend by the G2 Crowd Community. These terrific achievements cap off a year of activity and updates that have helped Uptime.com remain a market leader in IT alerting and web monitoring solutions. With top scores in IT Alerting and Web Monitoring, Uptime.com continues to grow alongside our userbase to create the most powerful and accessible web monitoring platform.

Adding preventive revocation alerts to our certificate monitoring

As part of our SSL certificate monitoring, we check a lot of things. The usuals, like if it covers the right domain name or if it hasn't expired are, of course, already included. But SSL certificates can get quite complex. Sometimes, SSL certificates get revoked by the issuer. When that happens, browsers worldwide stop trusting them and will throw an invalid certificate warning.

Becoming Hybrid: Operating Your Cloud Environment

It’s a day for celebration! Our migration is complete, and our applications are now running in the cloud environment best suited to their needs. The rest of our application inventory, the ones not cut out for the cloud, remain on-premises where they belong. Actually…we’re not done yet. We still have some work to do to make sure our hybrid environment runs smoothly and delivers the business value we expect. Fortunately, we aren’t the first ones to travel this path.

Stretch Your Reach with Unified JFrog Data and Elastic

DevOps teams rely on Artifactory as the bread and butter tool of universal binary repo managers, but observing its operations can be challenging. With multiple high availability nodes and unification with Xray as the JFrog DevOps Platform, that operations data is spread out across logs for each service in the JFrog Platform deployment. Operations teams need a view into valuable data insights that can only be gained through real time data mining and observation of the platform.

Has your company reached digital maturity?

Do you know what digital maturity is? Do you understand how achieving it can affect your company? Do you know how to detect if you already reached it? Knowing what digital maturity is and the ability to assess it can be essential for a company. In this article we will find out what digital maturity is and see some clues that can indicate the degree of digital maturity a company has. Shall we get started?

Incident Page Updates

Here at FireHydrant we are always looking for ways to improve and simplify incident management, today we’re happy to announce a set of changes to the incident and retrospective pages to further simplify the incident command center. To make it easier to stay up to date on the status of your incident, we have made the incident timeline permanently viewable on your Incident Command Center. You can adjust the width of your timeline to ensure you can see the most important information at all times.

PagerDuty Integration Updates

In an effort to make it even easier to open incidents, FireHydrant will now let you open an incident from Slack in a single click. When an alert is ingested into FireHydrant a message will post to a channel of your choosing to open an incident. When the incident is opened it will pull in all the data from the PagerDuty alert and configure your incident with that data. Now you can go from an alert firing in PagerDuty to an open FireHydrant incident with all of your automated process in under 5 seconds.

Creating Organizations and Teams and Managing Permissions In Cloudsmith

One reason for building a ‘single source of truth’ for software assets is that it gives the organization control over who can use what when. The ‘wild West’ of public repositories gives no control at all and can lead to a situation in which packages and dependencies of dubious provenance are integrated into builds without a second thought. Within the Cloudsmith world, we want to have the maximum security and control possible.

6 Must-Have Online Reputation Management Tools

The internet is a wonderful tool that has literally transformed the lives of nearly everyone on the planet. This complicated series of fiber optic cables and wireless transmissions, switches and software create a worldwide network that allows for the movement of voice, video and text anywhere in the world at nearly the speed of light.