Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Monitor Password Protected Websites for Changes

Many of our users come to ChangeTower in search of a website monitoring solution for their password-protected websites. While your browser inherently recognizes you when browsing your sites, website monitoring services are essentially going to be monitoring your webpages in ‘incognito’ mode and often times need to get past a login screen in order to get to the content you’d like to check for changes.

How to migrate SNMP monitoring from Cacti to Pandora FMS

Any IT environment needs a monitoring system, but which one should we use? We can opt for traditional and more limited systems, or for current monitoring systems such as Pandora FMS. In order to facilitate the task to any user that needs it, from the Pandora FMS team we have developed a method to migrate SNMP monitoring data in order to learn how to migrate Cacti to Pandora FMS in a fast and easy way.

Building a more reliable infrastructure with new Stackdriver tools and partners

Every software organization faces challenges in keeping applications available and running reliably. At Google, we’ve developed and practiced a discipline known as Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). Following SRE practices lets us build and operate services reliably for our billions of users. Google has about 2,500 Site Reliability Engineers who support both internal and external services.

Power to the People: Control Your Own Trigger Destiny with Webhooks

When we release something new, whether it’s a new SDK or Beeline or a new feature in the UI, we’ll often set a Honeycomb Trigger to keep track of its use. Sometimes we don’t necessarily have a customer we know is immediately going to use the feature in question, and we’re interested in when it happens.

Shipping Clean Code at Sentry with Linters, Travis CI, Percy, & More

Shipping clean, safe, and correct code is a high priority for engineering at Sentry. Bugs are best discovered before they hit production because afterward they have real user impact and can drain even a high-performing team’s resources quickly. The later in the development cycle a bug is found, the longer it will take to fix.