Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Thank you for making the SCOM Day such an exceptional event

NiCE is excited to have been a sponsor again for this year’s SCOM Day and to have met up with all you professional and highly skilled people. It´s been a great pleasure and we are looking forward to talking to you soon. Check out the complete range of our fourteen finest NiCE SCOM MPs for monitoring VMware, Office 365, Oracle and so much more.

Using Automation to Improve Processes in Your MSP

One of the things we at IT Glue wanted to accomplish with the production of our inaugural Global MSP Benchmark Report was to identify what a top-performing MSP looks like. There were certainly some surprises—such as the reality that size doesn’t matter—but a lot of what we found was fairly intuitive. In this rapidly growing industry, there are around 20% of MSPs that are seeing both high growth (10%+ per annum) and high margins (20%+ net margin).

Getting serious about cloud migration

Cloud is a big part of Atlassian’s future, and we’re more focused than ever on delivering a great Server to Cloud migration experience. When developing software, there is no better way to test than doing it yourself. So that’s what we did. In an effort to learn more, understand pain points, and make a better experience for our customers, we migrated our whole company’s Jira and Confluence instances to the Atlassian Cloud.

Should you become a DevOps engineer?

While there are plenty of articles aiming to instruct newbies on “how to become a DevOps engineer”, none of them answer a simple question – should you become one to start with? For me, it’s been a long and winding journey to becoming what is called a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE). The journey was unplanned, and for each step, I had to figure out what I want my next challenge to be and how to achieve it.

PHP Profiling: How to Find Slow Code

I use performance monitoring tools primarily to find slow and buggy code. At the start of development, I typically use the tools more for finding software bugs. Once the codebase is at a relatively stable phase, then I shift my focus toward finding less performant code. Which is why I turn to tools like Retrace to help with profiling for better performance.

How IT Consultants Can Save Time with Uptime.com

Today’s economy has created a new class of worker: the IT consultant. This lone warrior often manages multiple websites, responding to anything from outages to update requests and every code debug in between. If one can manage the never ending onslaught of servers, API calls and transactions these sites rely on each day, it’s a pretty decent living. The key is removing all the menial work that overwhelms and stifles productivity.

The Differences Between Monitoring Containerized Apps and Non-Containerized Apps

Containers provide a nifty solution to package up applications along with their dependencies, and for the whole encapsulated process to be run on a host system. This technology is undeniably popular due to its ability to allow developers to create flexible, scalable, reliable solutions in a quicker amount of time. It has enabled more freedom in choosing the technology we use in our applications and has brought development and production environments closer to parity.