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May 2019 Update: Response Metrics, Multi-Alert Actions and Web Signup

The May 2019 Update introduces web sign-up and some great, long-awaited mobile app enhancements! We have added the capability to confirm and resolve multiple alert signls at once. Simply tap the new 3-dot-button on the top right and select “Confirm all” / “Resolve all”. Please keep in mind that these are asynchronous operations which may take some time to complete.

How do we set up a proper serverless development workflow?

If you’ve built a serverless application or two, you’re probably familiar with the benefits of serverless architecture. You take advantage of already built, managed cloud services to handle standard application requirements like authentication, storage, compute, API gateways, and a long list of other infrastructure needs. You can spin up these resources in a matter of minutes and add your own specific business logic (usually as AWS Lambda function code).

Announcing $52 Million Series D Funding to Unleash the Value of Machine Data and Open-Source

Today I have the immense privilege of sharing the exciting news that we have raised $52M in series D funding led by General Catalyst. I am thrilled that all of our existing investors share our vision and chose to invest further in the company.

Grafana Labs at KubeCon: Foolproof Kubernetes Dashboards for Sleep-Deprived On Calls

We’ve all been in the situation where suddenly you are the lone developer on call while everyone is out of pocket. Or in the case of Grafana Labs Director of UX David Kaltschmidt, his then business partner, Grafana Labs VP of Product Tom Wilkie, was checking out for a weekend music fest. “Tom and I founded a company a couple of years ago, and I’m more of a frontend person. Tom did all the backend and devops stuff,” explained Kaltschimdt.

The Twistlock Acquisition: An Analysis of Palo Alto Networks' strategy

Congratulations Twistlock! One of the best signs of an emerging market is when existing, massive players are willing to put hundreds of millions of dollars on the line to get into that market right now. Given today’s Twistlock acquisition by Palo Alto Networks, and other recent acquisitions like Heptio/VMware, we believe this is happening in the cloud-native market. Congratulations to Twistlock on their success.

How To Manage Kubernetes with Kubectl

The mechanism for interacting with Kubernetes on a daily basis is typically through a command line tool called kubectl. kubectl is primarily used to communicate with Kubernetes API servers to create, update, delete workloads within Kubernetes. The objective of this tutorial is to provide an overview of some of the common commands that you can utilise, as well as provide a good starting point in managing Kubernetes.

Codemania 2019: What we learned from global tech leaders

For eight years, Codemania has brought developers and technology enthusiasts together in Auckland. This year, 500 developers arrived to network, share ideas, and solve problems with an impressive speaker lineup that included developers, authors, and global tech leaders. As the day unfolded, we learned how Apple appears to achieve the impossible with their short product development lifecycles.

NiCE VMware Management Pack 5.10 released

The NiCE VMware Management Pack delivers first-rate monitoring for your business critical, highly dynamical virtualized environments. Taming the beast of VMware service outages has never been easier. Leverage your existing investment, reduce costs, save time and build efficiencies that will last beyond your expectations.

An Elasticsearch Tutorial: Getting Started

Elasticsearch is the living heart of what is today’s the most popular log analytics platform — the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana). The role played by Elasticsearch is so central that it has become synonymous with the name of the stack itself. Used primarily for search and log analysis, Elasticsearch is today one of the most popular database systems available today.

CVE-2019-9929 - internal authentication secrets leaked in logs

The CFEngine engineering team has recently discovered a severe security issue in the CFEngine Enterprise product. CFEngine is using some internal secrets for authentication to the Mission Portal API and the PostgreSQL database when running background maintenance tasks. These internal secrets are randomly generated during the installation process and stored in files which only the root user has access to.