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Securing Exchange Server OWA & ActiveSync - Proactive Security with EventSentry

With the proper auditing enabled (Logon/Logoff – Logon (Failure)) and EventSentry installed however, we can permanently block remote users / hosts who attempt to log on too many times with a wrong password. Setting this up is surprisingly simple.

5 Things You Need to Know About Business Continuity Management

If business professionals ignore network and system issues, the consequences could be dire. For instance, imagine what might happen if your company suffers a cyberattack, flood or supply chain failure. In this scenario, your critical networks and systems may slow down or stop working. And if you lack an effective business continuity management (BCM) strategy, you risk downtime and outages that could put a significant dent in your business’ bottom line.

Manage incident notifications with alert toggling

Letting the right people know about incidents is an easier-said-than-done kind of task. Every incident is different and some notifications simply don’t need to land in everyone’s inbox. We’ve listened to a lot of customers who like the idea of posting an incident to their status page, but not having that incident sent as notifications to all their subscribers.

Negative Impact of Website Downtime

There are millions of reasons why sites go down. It could be an equipment malfunction or server overload. You might also experience data center problems, or you were just careless enough to forget to renew your domain name. Even worse, your site could be a hacker victim. Regardless of the cause, you need to resolve the problem as soon as it starts, because downtime can hurt your business.