Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Server monitoring best practices: 9 dos and don'ts

Have you ever had responsibility for an application and been the last to know about an outage? I have, and it’s terrible. You go to check your phone in the morning over coffee, after waking up, and you see a flood of missed calls and tons of emails. Customers are angry. Your boss is demanding to know what’s happening. Even the company’s executives are involved. How did this happen?

Monitoring microservices: Everything you need to know [2018]

Monitoring remains a critical part of managing any IT system, while the challenges associated with monitoring microservices are especially unique. An example is how traditional monolithic systems, deployed as a single executable or library, have different points of failure and dependencies than those deployed with a microservices architecture.

5 Server Monitoring Tools you should check out

You work on your software’s performance. But let’s face it: production is where the rubber meets the road. If your application is slow or it fails, then nothing else matters. Are you monitoring your applications in production? Do you see errors and performance problems as they happen? Or do you only see them after users complain? Worse yet, do you never hear about them? What tools do you have in place for tracking performance issues? Can you follow them back to their source?

6 Java debugging tools for 2018 and beyond

In an ideal world, bugs would never reach production. But, software errors are an inevitable part of a developer’s life. Java debugging tools exist to help us resolve errors faster, so we can get on with doing what we do best. This list of Java debugging tools will help you evaluate your options quickly so you can find the best for the job.

New: Crash by device breakdown for easier mobile debugging

The Raygun platform is designed to surface as much actionable information about errors so, as a developer, you not only fix them quickly but gain context into what causes errors in the first place. Today we’re announcing a new feature for both Crash Reporting and Real User Monitoring: Crash by device. This new feature helps mobile developers understand which devices cause the most crashes, so replicating errors becomes easier.

Raygun and Java: Better error monitoring with Breadcrumbs and more

Raygun Crash Reporting has supported the Java Framework since we launched. As a Java customer, you’ve always been able to catch errors pre and post-production, receive alerts, and provide one source of truth for errors on your whole team. Now, Raygun provides full feature support for Raygun4Java. Java customers now have access to all our favorite Raygun features, like Breadcrumbs, offline support, web service support, and sensitive data filtering.

Error Tracking: Monitoring Errors In Production Environments

Hear how error tracking in production environments can give teams far better visibility into issues users experience. See best practices to diagnose issues with greater speed and accuracy as opposed to traditional debugging methods. If you want to spend more time coding and less time fixing bugs, you need Raygun!

Solving software errors as a team: Improving your workflow

Here we'll be showing you how your team can spend more time coding and less time resolving issues by creating a streamlined workflow around the management and resolution of issues affecting your end users. See how Raygun ties in with your current workflow tools like Slack, JIRA, GitHub and more. Join Raygun's VP of Product Zheng Li and Customer Success Representative Joyce Padua in this short webinar.

Shipping with confidence: How to deploy error free code with Raygun

Learn why setting up Deployment Tracking gives you peace of mind that you'll be on top of issues that are introduced when you release new code to your customers. Join Raygun's CEO and co-founder John-Daniel Trask to discuss Raygun's powerful Deployment Tracking functionality in this short webinar.