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How to

Why leading healthcare organizations recommend OnPage

Adrienne, a Family and Nurse Practitioner at a leading healthcare organization recommends OnPage to anyone looking to adopt a clinical communication and collaboration solution. Keep watching to learn how her organization adopts OnPage to enhance their after-hours call paging workflows.

How to define software failure

Two of the four DORA metrics, Change Failure Rate and MTTR, require that you first define what failure means. Does failure always mean incident? Or should failure mean rollback? In this video, Don walks you through a couple different ways to define failure, and how Sleuth does it today. SLEUTH A deploy-based DORA / Accelerate Metrics tracker both managers and developers love.

Log4j and VMware Tanzu Application Service

This video goes into detail on how to perform application and platform mitigation of the Log4j CVEs using VMware Tanzu Application Service. Please note: This content is relevant as of 12/16/21 and could become outdated due to the ever-changing Log4j situation. Here are some additional resources regarding this vulnerability.

Graph Observability: Honeycomb and Apollo GraphQL With OpenTelemetry

With David Pickavance, Senior Sales Engineer at Apollo GraphQL Learn how to use Honeycomb, Apollo Studio, and Open Telemetry to optimize GraphQL performance for a federated graph. See how to debug a federated GraphQL query across subgraphs and down to the database layer using Honeycomb.

The wrong lessons to learn from the Log4j vulnerability

Log4j and Java sucks, but I don't use that, so I'm safe...right? Wrong. This video walks through the wrong lessons to take away from the huge Log4j remote code execution vulnerability, and points you at the lessons you should be learning instead. While the Log4j vulnerability may not directly affect you, its type of vulnerabilities certainly do.