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Sumo Logic

Now FedRAMP Ready, Sumo Logic Empowers Public Organizations

As we continue to adopt a digital-first mentality globally, there’s a massive shift to the cloud happening within federal agencies. While the sector has traditionally been slower to adopt new technologies, these agencies are understanding the urgent need to transition from legacy on-premise systems to more scalable and secure, cloud-based architectures.

What is Database Security?

Database security refers to the various measures organizations take to ensure their databases are protected from internal and external threats. Database security includes protecting the database itself, the data it contains, its database management system, and the various applications that access it. Organizations must secure databases from deliberate attacks such as cyber security threats, as well as the misuse of data and databases from those who can access them.

The Super Bowl Of The Cloud

On February 3, 2019, the Sumo Logic platform experienced its biggest ever spike in incoming data and analytics usage in the company’s history. On this day, close to everybody in the U.S., and many more people across the world, experienced a massive sports event: Super Bowl LIII. The spike was caused by viewers across the world tuning into the football game using online streaming video.

The Cloud SIEM market is validated by Sumo Logic, Microsoft, Google, and AWS

“Computers are bicycles for the mind,” said Steve Jobs once. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is biking uphill. Picture this: You cycle hard against the incline and ensure the bike holds up, all the while watching out for incoming traffic in blind turns. The worst part? The bike grinds to a halt when you stop pedaling. You simply can't coast on the steep hill of security operations.

Clearing the Air: What Is Cloud Native?

If you have had any exposure to cloud computing or app development in recent years, you likely have heard the term “cloud native” thrown around. But you might be wondering what exactly that term means, and how it differs from concepts such as “cloud ready” or “cloud enabled.” As a cloud-native service provider, Sumo Logic understands the architecture underpinning this development model. Let’s take a closer look at the cloud-native concept and what it means.

Key Metrics to Baseline Cloud Migration

Cloud computing is well past the emerging stage. It’s no longer a radical idea for businesses to depend on cloud platforms and services to serve as their technology backbone--and the numbers show it. In 2018, Forrester reported that nearly 60% of North American enterprises rely on public cloud platforms. This year, Gartner projects that the public cloud services market will grow from last year’s $182.4 billion to $214.3 billion this year, a 17.5% jump.

Recycling is for Cardboard, not Analytics Tools

Recycling is an important part of my family’s weekly chore patterns. Our Amazon deliveries alone generate copious amounts of cardboard for our weekly pickup in the giant blue can. I also find myself trying to think about the longevity of the stuff I buy and try not to be wasteful. I feel a sense of pride. But there is one area where I just don’t think recycling makes sense -- and that’s with software (that’s in addition to underwear and toothbrushes, of course…).

Extend Your Operational Analytics Beyond IT and Improve Your Business Outcomes

Operational analytics is of vital importance to IT organizations today. With complex hybrid infrastructures and dynamic workloads commonplace in many businesses, the ability to monitor important metrics like application performance requires a level of automation and analysis that can quickly turn data into useful information for your IT team.

How to Monitor Apache Web Server

In order to effectively manage and monitor your infrastructure, a web admin needs clear and transparent information about the types of activity going on within their servers. Server logs provide a documented footprint of all traffic and errors that occur within an environment. Apache has two main log files, Error Logs, and Access Logs.