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Applied Category Theory for Cloud Native Innovation with Sal Kimmich - Navigate Europe 23

Join Sal Kimmich at Navigate Europe 23, where they delve into the intricate world of Applied Category Theory and its application in cloud-native technology. With a unique blend of technical expertise and psychological insights, Sal explores the significance of abstract thinking in Kubernetes engineering and cybersecurity.

How Authorization Evolves with Alex Olivier: From Basic Roles to ABAC - Navigate Europe 23

Join Alex Olivier as he delves into the transformative journey from basic role-based authorization to the more sophisticated, decoupled Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC). With his extensive background in software engineering and product management, Alex provides invaluable insights and personal experiences in navigating the complexities of authorization in the modern tech landscape. Discover the crucial differences between authentication and authorization, and learn about the challenges and solutions in implementing effective authorization strategies in your systems.

Accelerate Microservice Debugging with Telepresence with Edidiong Asikpo - Navigate Europe 23

Join Edidiong Asikpo, a seasoned Senior Developer Advocate at Ambassador Labs, as she delves into the intricacies of microservice debugging using Telepresence. Explore the challenges developers face when transitioning from monolithic to microservices architecture and introduces Telepresence as a game-changing tool. Watch as Edidiong demonstrates how Telepresence simplifies the development loop, enhances the debugging process, and facilitates local testing of services.

How K8s Preview Environments Revolutionize the Software Development Lifecycle - Navigate Europe 23

Join Sully Martinez and Ramiro Berrelleza as they delve into the transformative impact of Kubernetes (K8s) Preview Environments on the software development lifecycle. They explore how these environments foster greater collaboration and inclusivity, revolutionize feedback processes, and enhance overall productivity. Discover the shift from traditional development models to a more integrated, efficient approach, enabling teams to include diverse perspectives and catch issues earlier.

Yay CPU Limits or Nay CPU Limits 001 by Natan Yellin - Navigate Europe 23

Natan Yellin demystifies Kubernetes resource management, with a particular focus on CPU limits. Through practical examples, including a unique 'Tinder for Socks' analogy, Natan challenges the conventional use of CPU limits and offers alternative strategies for optimizing performance and cost in Kubernetes environments.

Ephemeral Environments for Every PR - Are We There Yet? by Yshay Yaacobi - Navigate Europe 23

Join Yshay Yaacobi as he delves into the transformative world of ephemeral environments in software development. Discover how his team revolutionized their PR flow, adopting Fermyon environments for automated, efficient deployment processes. This session covers the journey from manual deployments to a seamless, continuous deployment strategy, offering insights into the practical benefits and applications of ephemeral environments in modern software development.