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RVM: How to Get Started and Manage Your Ruby Installations

It’s the night before a big deadline, and just before you press the button to deploy, you notice a small but important bug! You open a terminal, type in the command to run the code—and all you see is a page of errors. It’s these palm-sweating moments that make us wonder whether we made the correct career decision. Configuring our systems and keeping them working is a struggle most of us deal with regularly. Ruby Version Manager (RVM) attempts to solve this problem.

Complexity as the Enemy of Security

In an ideal scenario, security would be baked into the development process from the very beginning. Security teams would primarily exist to verify that best practices have been followed at every step in the process. In practice, security is an enormous challenge for most organizations. This challenge is compounded by the increasingly complex and fast-paced nature of modern service-oriented architectures, such as Kubernetes.

The Cloud SIEM market is validated by Sumo Logic, Microsoft, Google, and AWS

“Computers are bicycles for the mind,” said Steve Jobs once. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is biking uphill. Picture this: You cycle hard against the incline and ensure the bike holds up, all the while watching out for incoming traffic in blind turns. The worst part? The bike grinds to a halt when you stop pedaling. You simply can't coast on the steep hill of security operations.

Applying Design Thinking to the Employee Experience

It’s highly likely that you’ve heard the term “design thinking” used in a business or product context this year. Telling your developers, your engineers, your company to apply “design thinking” to their projects is in vogue. But what exactly is “design thinking”? And how does it apply to today’s workforce and the modern business world?

The Expert's Guide to Searching in LogDNA

Searching in LogDNA is designed to be as intuitive and straightforward as possible. Just type in your search terms, and LogDNA will return your results almost instantaneously. For cases where you need to perform a more advanced search, or where you need greater control over your search results, LogDNA provides a number of features that can help you find exactly what you’re looking for.

Helpful Advice About Colocation Hosting

Host choice and the process of identifying the right data center for your company’s web hosting needs is one of the most challenging but essential decisions that you’ll have to make. It will depend a bit on how important the web component of your company is, but, in the modern era, it is highly likely that web will play a huge part of your company’s operations.

Logstash Tutorial: How to Get Started

Logstash is the “L” in the ELK Stack — the world’s most popular log analysis platform and is responsible for aggregating data from different sources, processing it, and sending it down the pipeline, usually to be directly indexed in Elasticsearch. Logstash can pull from almost any data source using input plugins, apply a wide variety of data transformations and enhancements using filter plugins, and ship the data to a large number of destinations using output plugins.