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Pandora FMS

Monitoring policy system in Pandora FMS. What they are like, what they are and where to find them

“Monitoring policy system”, “monitoring policy system”, “monitoring policy system”… As much as you repeat it, it still sounds boring, unappetizing and expensive. But you have to admit that an in-depth contact with the monitoring policy system, especially the system that concerns you, is also useful, convenient and practical after all. Therefore, to benefit you, we will start today with the policies in Pandora FMS.

VDI Platform Monitoring (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure)

The decision to introduce Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) technology is not an easy one. One of the most important aspects to consider is precisely the administration and monitoring of VDI. From the point of view of the monitoring analyst the approach to this issue is direct: if VDI is part of the platform and we have users who access applications from a virtual desktop, it is clear that this technology must be monitored. Now, how often are we going to come across a platform that includes VDI?

What is WMI? Windows Management Instrumentation, do you know this?

What is WMI? Is this a new brand of German cars? Nope. Since we like to explore the vast fields of knowledge, we are going to try to approach this question: What is WMI? There are people out there who don’t have the imperious need to master the concept, taxi drivers for example, but there are other brave people who will live much better with the knowledge of these skills. So, what is WMI?

What's new Pandora FMS 7.0 NG 732

The main news of this new 732 update package is the new Discovery functionality, which aims to make it much easier to deploy monitoring through the automatic discovery of various technologies. In addition, several tasks have been performed to improve the creation of PDFs, massive responses to events, as well as the synchronization of various elements in the Metaconsole.

Wifi monitoring: the range of the wireless signal with Pandora FMS

Although since 1985 the federal government of the United States of America provided the radio bands (frequencies) to be used for our daily use, it was not until 1999 when the brand Wi-Fi® was registered, which means wireless fidelity and in that same year was founded the WECA (Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance).

What is DNS? Some basic concepts

What is DNS? DNS is the Domain Name System, or the hierarchical system of nomenclature that orders the names of members who connect to IP networks, such as the Internet. In this article we will briefly learn what DNS is, how it works, what it is used for and some of its advantages and disadvantages. What is DNS? Shall we begin?

What is Grafana? Let's see its history and how it is related to other software!

Grafana is an open source tool, with Apache 2.0 license, designed by Torkel Ödegaard (who is still in charge of its development and maintenance) and created in January 2014. This Swedish developer began his career in the .NET field and since 2012, until nowadays, he continues offering development and consulting services through this popular proprietary platform, while developing free software at the same time.

Hyperconvergence and Monitoring

Hyperconvergence, hyperconvergent platforms, hyperconvergent modules, are relatively new terms in the world of data centers. In addition, each technology that emerges or evolves and succeeds in penetrating the market represents new challenges for monitoring platforms. Thus, hyperconvergence is another in the list, which includes elements such as the cloud, software-defined networks, edge computing, DevOps, Agile, and so many others.

What is an API for? Let's find out all about it

So, when someone talks to you about APIs, do you still think it refers to Blas’ inseparable partner in Sesame Street? then you may have a little problem with technology. No one will ever mess with you again for this. But you must be careful. The explanation will be as educational and entertaining as those of the mythical Epi and Blas. Therefore, let’s answer this question: What is an api for?

Monitoring and Administration? System Centre Operations Manager or Microsoft SCOM

Microsoft SCOM is an advertised software for Microsoft Windows® administration, but today we will show you that its base rests on well known monitoring techniques. Just to be clear, we emphasize the term in bold: Microsoft System Centre Operations Manager ®.