Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Server Health and Health Checks: A Beginner's Guide

Why do we go for server health checkups? Well, think of it like this: just as we schedule regular checkups for ourselves to make sure we're healthy and functioning optimally, our servers need the same level of care. After all, they're the backbone of our digital infrastructure, tirelessly handling requests, serving data, and keeping our applications running smoothly.

Part 3: Infrastructure Monitoring Tools

From networking and servers to databases and applications, the infrastructure is the backbone of an organization's operations. With the rise of digitalization, the need for reliable and efficient infrastructure has become more important than ever. Whether it be transportation systems, communication networks, or energy grids, infrastructure plays a vital role in keeping our society functioning smoothly.

OpenTelemetry Collector - A Beginner's Guide

In the fast-pace world of technology, keeping an eye on how well our applications are doing is crucial. Indeed, opentelemetry offers a comprehensive framework designed to capture the nuances of software applications. At the core of this framework lies the opentelemetry Collector, responsible for aggregating, processing, and exporting telemetry data. Why is this important?

What is MongoDB? Its Architecture and Monitoring

Ever wondered how popular websites manage millions of users and interactions without crashing? The answer lies in MongoDB, a NoSQL database, document-based model. This is particularly useful for applications like social media platforms, where users can have multiple posts, comments, and interactions. MongoDB is also highly scalable, able to handle large amounts of data and traffic by distributing the workload across multiple servers.

Prometheus vs. Elasticsearch

In the field of data management, Prometheus and Elasticsearch are popular names. They have proved to be quite effective when coming to monitoring applications and websites and providing reliable feedback. While Prometheus offers metrics monitoring at a good level, Elastic Stack is a comprehensive platform offering complete collection, storage, and analysis of data from start to finish. This and a few other minor differences sets these two monitoring solutions apart.

A Guide to Log4j for Logging in Java

Log4j is a logging framework for Java, facilitating the systematic recording of runtime information in software applications. Developed by the Apache Software Foundation, Log4j has become a standard tool in Java development since its inception in 1996. Its primary purpose is to generate log messages that provide insights into the application's execution, aiding developers in debugging, monitoring, and analysing software behaviour.

Docker Logging: Effective Strategies for Docker Log Management

Docker is a platform that makes creating, deploying, and running containerized applications easier. Containerization is a lightweight and portable application deployment technique involving packaging an application and its dependencies inside a container. A container is a standalone, executable software package that includes everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and settings.

A Beginner's Guide to Use journalctl Commands

journalctl is a command-line utility in Linux systems that allows users to query and view logs collected by systemd's logging service, known as the journal. This logging service captures a wide range of system events, including kernel messages, service status changes, user logins, and more, providing a complete view of system activity. Users can use journalctl to filter logs based on various standards such as time range, severity level, specific units (system services), or even custom fields.

Part 2: Infrastructure Monitoring Metrics

Infrastructure monitoring metrics ensure the smooth operation and optimal performance of modern-day systems and networks. In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business environment, organizations rely heavily on their IT infrastructure to support their operations and deliver quality customer services. As such, any downtime or performance issues can significantly impact their bottom line.

Extracting the Docker Host's IP Address within a Docker Container

Understanding how to execute this task is essential for developers and system administrators. This blog will explore various methods and commands to obtain the Docker host's IP address from within a Docker container. Docker has emerged as a cornerstone technology in modern software development and deployment. Revolutionizing the way applications are built.