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How to Monitor Amazon CloudFront with CloudWatch

Amazon CloudFront is a CDN that allows you to serve content from edge locations without having to actually stand up infrastructure around the world. However, since it’s a managed service, you have less visibility with traditional monitoring tools. As such, it becomes even more important to take advantage of the available monitoring tools in AWS. In this post, we’ll explain how to use CloudWatch to monitor CloudFront and what is important to watch.

Kubernetes Adoption Driving Rancher Labs Momentum

This week Rancher Labs announced a record 161% year-on-year revenue growth, along with a 52% increase in the number of customers in the first half of 2019. Other highlights from H1’19 included: You can find the complete release here. We are grateful to our community of customers, partners, and users for the growth we achieved in the first half of 2019, and we will continue to gauge Rancher’s success in the larger context of enterprise adoption of Kubernetes.

Logging Istio with ELK and Logz.io

Load balancing, traffic management, authentication and authorization, service discovery — these are just some of the interactions taking place between microservices. Collectively called a “service mesh”, these interconnections can become an operations headache when handling large‑scale, complex applications. Istio seeks to reduce this complexity by providing engineers with an easy way to manage a service mesh.

Calculating MTTR: An Evolution Driven by the Rise of DevOps

The shift to cloud computing and the DevOps revolution have fueled some important changes in the way we think about software development and monitoring. It has delivered huge benefits to the companies that have fully embraced the approach. In fact, the DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) 2018 industry survey found a new small group of “elite” performers that are deploying code far more often and having a far better mean time to resolution (MTTR) than the next closest group.

Automated App Discovery - CloudHedge Discover

Using Application X-Ray, CloudHedge's Discovery tool automatically discovers Windows IIS and Linux applications within minutes instead of days or weeks. Post discovery process, the tool showcases all the relationships and dependencies between services, processes, and hosts which are necessary for containerization on a user-friendly dashboard. CloudHedge’s Discover tool supports enterprise Windows and Linux operating systems right from Windows 2003, Java, .Net, PHP, Python, JBoss, TomCat type of applications.

SysAdmin Day 2019 - Tech Support, Part 1

Work getting you down? It helps to talk about IT. Venting and swapping stories in the Community is great, but what if there was a place where techies could gather for a face-to-face heart-to-heart on the hassles of IT? Now there is. Tune into our series of Tech Support videos this SysAdmin Day. (No, not that kind of tech support.)