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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

Nationwide Building Society - Building Legendary Service

How does the world’s largest building society protect IT service availability? As more and more of Nationwide Building Society’s 15 million members turn to online banking to manage their finances any downtime, at any time can be a major frustration. Nationwide’s Enterprise Command Centre (ECC) is the eyes and ears of the IT operation - at the front-line of protecting service availability.

Nationwide Building Society - Workflow & Automation Tool

Nationwide Building Society’s Enterprise Command Centre discovered they had no clear, repeatable sequence of steps to recover service critical incidents. IT operations workflow and automation software offered the solution to a faster, more efficient means of executing a standard suite of operations - removing previously manual processes.

Nationwide Building Society - Service Visualisation Mobile App

Nationwide Building Society’s Enterprise Command Centre had been relying heavily on slower more traditional methods of sharing IT operations monitoring and analytics. Building on the success of their IT Service Visualisation dashboards deployment the next logical step was to deliver users with access to real time service status information on any device, on the go.

The Crazy Simple Manifesto

Creatives and businesses depend on programmers to fulfil their visions. The problem? Programmers are scarce. There are 230,000 unfilled jobs for programmers in the U.S. alone, and more than 90 percent of the gap is outside Silicon Valley. And, when the vast majority of the world’s great software talent resides in the halls of tech juggernauts — like Google, Amazon and Facebook — giving them an embarrassment of riches, the rest of the world is left behind.

Perspectives on Optimizing Operations & Learnings from Monitorama 2017 in Port­land

StackStorm was a silver sponsor of Monitorama 2017, and we hosted a post-show discussion with great panelists from LinkedIn, Sensu, and VictorOps- to share key insights from the show and talk about leveraging auto-remediation to optimize operations.