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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

The Need of Cloud for Pharmaceutical Companies

Pharmaceutical companies are witnessing a shift in the way they function where innovative products, beyond the pill concepts, automated machine systems, etc. are defining new boundaries. Eroom’s law acknowledges the fact which states the cost and time taken to develop a new drug almost doubles every nine years.

Serverless in 2019: From 'Hello World' to 'Hello Production'

As the CEO of Stackery, I have had a unique, inside view of serverless since we launched in 2016. I get to work alongside the world’s leading serverless experts, our customers, and our partners and learn from their discoveries. It’s a new year: the perfect time to take stock of professional progress, accomplishments, and goals.

5 Tips to Avoid Deadlocks in Amazon RDS Part 2

If you missed the first 2 tips, go back and read 5 Tips to Avoid Deadlocks in Amazon RDS (Part 1), and then come back for the last 3 tips on deadlock avoidance. Once again, I want to re-emphasize that RDS is not actually capable of creating deadlocks — it merely reports them from the underlying database engine.

Conquering a Double-Barrel Webpack Upgrade

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve prioritized some sustaining product goals to polish the codebase and update some big ticket dependencies. Among those updates were: React, Redux, and Webpack - the biggies. The first two were pretty painless and inspired the confidence to approach updating Webpack from v2 to v4 like maybe no big deal! Though confidence level was on high, I felt a slight chill and a twinge of doubt by the prospect of making changes to our build configs.

5 Tips to Avoid Deadlocks in Amazon RDS Part 1

Last week, I wrote A Beginner’s Guide to Deadlocks in Amazon RDS. This week, I’d like to lay out my 10 years of experience about how to avoid deadlocks altogether. Often times, this will be out of the hands of operations people, but you can still move for dev changes based on issues in production. The more knowledgeable you are about deadlocks in general, the more they will lean on you as a resource with wisdom, not a totalitarian barking rules.