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Unlimited Preview Environments with Kubernetes Namespaces

In our big series of Kubernetes anti-patterns, we briefly explained that static test environments are no longer needed if you are using Kubernetes. They are expensive, hard to maintain, and hard to clean up. Instead, we suggested the adoption of temporary environments that are created on demand when a pull request is opened. In this article, we will see the practical explanations on how to achieve unlimited temporary environments using Kubernetes namespaces.

How to Create Docker Images for ASP.NET Core

Microsoft has begun working with the Docker team and community so Docker can be used for the following: If you would like to run an ASP.NET Core web app in a Docker container and learn how to create images, we will explain all the steps on how to do the following: A Docker container image is a standalone, lightweight package that can be executed and contains all the requirements you need to run an application, such as: code, runtime, libraries, and settings.

Enterprise CI/CD Best Practices - Part 1

If you are trying to learn your way around Continuous Integration/Delivery/Deployment, you might notice that there are mostly two categories of resources: We believe that there is a gap between those two extremes. We are missing a proper guide that sits between those two categories by talking about best practices, but not in an abstract way.

Argo Rollouts, the Kubernetes Progressive Delivery Controller, Reaches 1.0 Milestone

Argo Rollouts, part of the Argo project, recently released their 1.0 version. You can see the changelog and more details on the Github release page. If you are not familiar with Argo Rollouts, it is a Kubernetes Controller that deploys applications on your cluster. It replaces the default rolling-update strategy of Kubernetes with more advanced deployment methods such as blue/green and canary deployments.

Troubleshooting Kubernetes Clusters as a Developer with Komodor

The container ecosystem is moving very fast and new tools designed specifically for Kubernetes clusters are introduced at a very fast pace. Even though several times a new tool is simply implementing a well-known mechanism (already present in the VM world) with a focus on containers, every once in a while we see tools that are designed from scratch rather than adapting a preexisting idea. One such tool is Komodor.

Run Codefresh pipelines on a Bottlerocket Kubernetes cluster

In August 2020, Amazon announced Bottlerocket OS, a new open source Linux distribution that is built specifically for running container workloads. It comes out of the box with security hardening and support for transactional updates, allowing for greater ease in automating operating system updates, maintaining security compliance and reducing operational costs. Bottlerocket is designed to be able to run anywhere and, at launch, has a pre-built variant for Amazon EKS.

Launching Argo CD Autopilot: An Opinionated Way to Manage Your Applications Across Environments Using Gitops at Scale

Argo CD has been skyrocketing in popularity with the CNCF China survey naming Argo as a top CI/CD tool for its power as a deployment automation tool. And it’s no wonder, GitOps is a faster, safer, and more scalable way to do continuous delivery. Most of our own users are embracing GitOps to manage infrastructure and applications at scale in gaming, finance, defense, media, and other industries.

Announcing Native Integration for Hashicorp Vault Secrets

Secret management is one of the most critical areas in deploying and running applications. Codefresh already had native support for native Kubernetes secrets or custom secrets on the Codefresh Runner, but more and more customers have asked us for native support for Hashicorp Vault. Today we are pleased to announce our native integration with Hashicorp vault as another secret provider for Codefresh pipelines.