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I'm a VMware Admin: What Do I Do with Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters?

In previous blog posts, we’ve talked about the process of setting up vSphere with Tanzu (see our quick start guide) and creating your first Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster (TKC). As a vSphere Administrator, you might be saying to yourself, “This is cool and all, but what’s next? What’s an easy application to deploy?” The easiest target is the standard NGINX Kubernetes deployment, but that’s very basic.

Helm vs. Ketch when Deploying Applications

Kubernetes has become the de-facto standard for deploying microservices and containerized applications. Still, there is a learning curve for a developer to get familiar with Kubernetes concepts and objects, how to write and manage the required YAML files, etc. While there is undoubtedly value in learning these concepts and tasks, I believe there is even greater value in getting your applications deployed faster and spending more time on your application code than on infrastructure-related objects.

Set up K3s in High Availability using k3d

Have you ever wanted to try K3s high availability cluster “mode,” and you either did not have the minimum three “spare nodes” or the time required to set up the same amount of VMs? Then you are in for a good treat: meet k3d! If you’re not familiar with k3d, its name gives you a hint to what it’s all about: K3s in Docker.

Using Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Service Mesh Based Applications for Distributed Deployments

Service Mesh is an emerging architecture pattern gaining traction today. Along with Kubernetes, Service Mesh can form a powerful platform which addresses the technical requirements that arise in a highly distributed environment typically found on a microservices cluster and/or service infrastructure. A Service Mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for facilitating service-to-service communications between microservices.

Containers vs Virtual Machines (VMs)

As microservices gain in popularity, containers have become a hot topic for developers. But how do they differ from virtual machines? Will containers replace virtual machines? And when should you choose containers over virtual machines? When it comes to defining virtual machines, the name says it all – machines (servers or desktops) that have been virtualized.

Thoughts on 2020: An Unpredictable Year But Much to Look Forward To

We here at Robin.io are getting set to put a bow on what’s been as unpredictable and challenging a year as any of us can ever remember. In spite of lots of anxiety, oft-interrupted video calls, and a slew of new rules for doing business, Robin ends 2020 having accomplished a number of its goals for the year. It has taken flexibility, dedication and cooperation on the part of every Robin employee, partner and customer for us to be in such a strong position entering the new year.

Code Coverage Analysis Using Codecov and Codefresh

Codecov is a code analysis tool with which users can group, merge, archive, and compare coverage reports. Code coverage describes which lines of code were executed by the test suite and which ones were not. However, this is not to be confused with a testing tool. Codecov does not run your tests, that is the job of your testing tools. The analysis that Codecov provides will classify code in either of the following states: Additionally, In this tutorial, we will.

Mitigating Kubernetes Security Vulnerability when using ExternalIP Services (CVE-2020-8554)

Earlier this month the Kubernetes project discovered a security issue affecting multitenant clusters: If a potential attacker can already create or edit services and pods, then they may be able to intercept traffic from other pods (or nodes) in the cluster. An attacker that is able to create a ClusterIP service and set the spec.externalIPs field can intercept traffic to that IP.

All That Developers Need Is a Browser (or How to Be More Productive by Having Less)

What would you say if I would tell you that you can be as productive with the cheapest laptop as with the one you already have? Would you believe me if I would say that there is no need for you to install an IDE, compilers, CLIs, Docker, and whatever else you might have on your laptop? How about having a full development environment created whenever you need it instead of dealing with virtual machines and whatever else might be fulfilling your development needs?