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MSPs Leverage the Goliath Application Availability Monitor for Advanced Troubleshooting and Increased Revenue

The Goliath Application Availability Monitor (GAAM) received significant interest from many industries and clients when it was launched in October 2017, but Managed Service Providers such as MTM, HCL, CSC, CDK Global, CloudShape, Dizzion, and others embraced this new technology quickly and enthusiastically.

Auvik Announces Integration With IT Glue

WATERLOO, ON / November 8, 2017 — Auvik Networks, a provider of network monitoring and management software for managed service providers (MSPs), has announced a new integration with IT documentation platform IT Glue. The integration will give MSPs the ability to sync details that Auvik automatically discovers about a network—such as device IP addresses, serial numbers, and software versions—into IT Glue, instead of entering the data manually.