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Why Your Telemetry(Observability) Pipelines Need to be Responsive

At Mezmo, we consider Understand, Optimize, and Respond, the three tenets that help control telemetry data and maximize the value derived from it. We have previously discussed data Understanding and Optimization in depth. This blog discusses the need for responsive pipelines and what it takes to design them.

WebAssembly: The Next Frontier in Cloud-Native Evolution

Kubernetes has just reached its 10th anniversary, signifying the maturity of the containers movement. Now it’s time to explore the next frontier in cloud-native evolution: WebAssembly, a.k.a. WASM or Wasm. Moving beyond containers and Kubernetes, WASM bears the promise to revolutionize the cloud landscape with unparalleled performance, portability, and security.

Transform and enrich your logs with Datadog Observability Pipelines

Today’s distributed IT infrastructure consists of many services, systems, and applications, each generating logs in different formats. These logs contain layers of important information used for data analytics, security monitoring, and application debugging. However, extracting valuable insights from raw logs is complex, requiring teams to first transform the logs into a well-known format for easier search and analysis.

Introducing Mobile Real User Monitoring (RUM)

Human attention spans are seemingly shorter than ever, and your mobile application users are, unfortunately, no exception. Over 70% of users abandon an app if it’s taking too long, with half of these users waiting no more than three seconds. Even minor delays or errors can lead to significant user drop-off, negatively impacting your app’s success and user satisfaction.

From Necessity to Opportunity: The Customer Push for SIEM Options

The SIEM market attracts attention for a variety of reasons. First, it is dominated by a number of large players but there are a range of smaller companies vying for market share. It is also a market generally accessible to new entrants. There’s always a new company pitching a different spin on SIEM, whether it’s a new architectural model in the cloud, faster analytics from running on a third-party data warehouse, or leaning into new, undefined terms like a security data fabric.

How to Build a Custom OpenTelemetry Collector

Telemetry data collection and analysis are important for businesses. We're diving right in to explain the ins and outs of the OpenTelemetry Collector, including its core components, distribution selection, and customization tips for optimal data collection and integration. Whether you're new to OpenTelemetry or expanding your capabilities, this will help you effectively use the OpenTelemetry Collector in your observability strategy.

Securing the Foundation of Cribl Copilot

Integrations are the bread and butter of building vendor-agnostic software here at Cribl. The more connections we provide, the more choice and control customers have over their unique data strategy. Securing these integrations has challenges, but a new class of integrations is creating new challenges and testing existing playbooks: large language models. In this blog, we are going to explore why these integrations matter, investigate an example integration, and build a strategy to secure it.

The Top 5 Security Logging Best Practices to Follow Now

Security logging is a critical part of modern cybersecurity, providing the foundation for detecting, analyzing, and responding to potential threats. As highlighted by OWASP, security logging and monitoring failures can lead to undetected security breaches. With the average cost of a data breach adding up to $4.45 million, most organizations can’t afford to miss a security incident.
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CloudFabrix "Splunkify" for Cisco-Splunk

Splunk and CloudFabrix are both powerful tools in the realm of IT operations management, but they serve different primary functions, have different use cases and are complementary to each other. Splunk focuses on organizations requiring real-time visibility into IT operations with powerful search and analysis capabilities for large volumes of data, real-time monitoring and alerting for IT operations, log management, security incident response, Observability, and rich visualizations for AIOps.