For the past six months or so I've been working an NES emulator in Rust. As you might expect, I've learned a lot about rust, and even more about NES internals. But the experience has also changed the way I look at Ruby. Specifically, it's made me more than a little paranoid about methods that return nil.
Faultless websites, online stores or web apps simply don’t exist. Despite an exemplary infrastructure, duplicated systems and excellent mechanisms, something can always go wrong.We offer you a proven process that you can apply in a crisis situation – adapting it accordingly to your conditions, of course.
In the age of the modern website architecture where websites experience little downtime, slow is the new down. A slowdown on a website has been proven to have a negative effect on conversion rates and end user experience. With that in mind, we’ve updated our uptime monitoring to alert you to slow response times.
With newest version of AppBeat you can now periodically run Whois for your domain.
Here at Skylight, we love all things open source. Many of us on the Skylight team are open source contributors ourselves. From our own experiences, we know that many people are excited about the idea of contributing to their favorite open source apps, but they don’t always necessarily know where to start.
The general advice I’ve been receiving in the past few years is that in business, it’s almost never a good idea to rewrite the core platform from scratch. Not even Uncle Bob, in his Clean Code video training sessions, recommends it.
Mixed content occurs when the site is accessed over a HTTPS secure connection, but other resources on the page are loaded through an insecure connection. This is defined as “Mixed Content” as both HTTP and HTTPS content are being loaded on the same page when the request started as a secure HTTPS request.
Being organized is a critical aspect of IT infrastructure monitoring and management. Our Monitor Groups and Subgroups feature gave you the flexibility to group resources by a business application. With our recent launch of tags in Site24x7, you'll now be able to organize your resources by technology and other segments. So let's dive in and learn a bit more about tags, its features, and some basic tagging strategies.
We've just rolled out a brand new feature: the ability to set rate limits on SMS alerts. Before we tell you all about it, a big thank you to everyone who has provided feedback or submitted feature requests - it helps us focus on making the improvements that people really want.