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Mr. Robot, Mimikatz and Lateral Movement

In Mr. Robot‘s episode 9 of season 2 (13:53), Angela Moss needs to obtain the Windows domain password of her superior, Joseph Green, in order to download sensitive documents that would potentially incriminate EvilCorp. Since her attack requires physical access to his computer, she starts with a good old-fashioned social engineering attack to get the only currently present employee in the office to leave.

Uptrends moves up the ranks on Main Software Top 50 2017

We’ve moved up nine places in the rankings from number 18 in 2016 to number nine in 2017 on the Investment firm of Main Capital Partners’ list of the top 50 Dutch software companies. The rankings are calculated based on each companies’ revenue (in and out of Europe), growth, and SaaS revenue. For the last six years, Main Capital Partners have published their Main 50 list to celebrate the Dutch technology industry.

How To Reduce Website Downtime

In an ideal world every site would have 100% uptime, 24/7, 365. However, the reality is not so perfect – hardware failures, DNS issues, DDoS attacks, server maintenance, software problems and poor hosting are among the many causes of downtime. It’s not all doom and gloom though – by following a few practical steps you can really cut down on your downtime.

Exception handling and monitoring in ASP.NET

Exception handling is a crucial mechanism of application development. When exceptions occur frequently, things like increased CPU time consumption, memory leakage, and application slowness have a higher chance of happening. In case of uncaught exceptions, the application's run time can terminate. If an application can handle various exception types, it will be more robust and less prone to crashing.

6 Tips to Make A Small Business Website Effective

When you run a small business, your site serves the same function as your business card - it provides essential information about what you do and who you are. It also could be the first point of contact with potential new customers, so it is crucial you keep your site up to date and give new visitors a good impression. Here are five tips that you should keep in mind to ensure that you present yourself at your best.