Kublr and Kubernetes can help make your favorite data science tools easier to deploy and manage. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) carries the burden of storing big data; Spark provides many powerful tools to process data; while Jupyter Notebook is the de facto standard UI to dynamically manage the queries and visualization of results.
I’ve heard many conversations about the limitations of “serverless technology” ever since the concept was widely known. They often focus on how specific implementations of serverless are limited by certain aspects that the user doesn’t have control of. This seems odd to me because serverless isn’t a technology.
The holy grail for any CMO looking for their next gig is to find the perfect combination of addressable market, market timing, company, and product. That’s why I am so excited to be joining the team at Rancher Labs, the leader in container management software. Let’s look at all the variables.
From current business vulnerabilities to emerging security trends, Spiceworks examines the current state and future of network and endpoint security in businesses across North America and Europe. There’s a common saying in the world of cybersecurity: It’s not a matter of “if,” but “when” a security incident will rear its ugly head. Businesses constantly have to deal with phishing, malware, insider threats, and newly discovered vulnerabilities.
Incidents happen all the time because of bad code deploys. You write some code that passes code review, it then is automatically shipped to production after a test suite passes, and BAM, an outage happens. This fairly common occurrence has ways to prevent it entirely. Using some simple ideas we can defend ourselves from the hidden mistakes that code reviews and chaos engineering sometimes won’t catch.
Now that you’re invited, here’s the lowdown: Starting this Wednesday, you get the unique chance to attend four weeks of live working sessions with some of the top minds in serverless. They’ll prepare you to build production-ready serverless applications with the best practices of AWS top-of-mind. Along the way, you’ll get the chance to earn awesome prizes as you unlock milestones like deploying a stack and finishing your app.
Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management. It was originally designed by Google, and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
Starting today, any developer can locally debug and develop any Lambda function, in any language or framework, against live cloud resources with any IDE, for free. You don’t even need a Stackery account. This capability can be obtained by installing the Stackery CLI either automatically via the Stackery VS Code Serverless Tools Plug-In or manually alongside any IDE.
Back in May we did a soft-launch of The RanchCast. We debuted it as a Twitch stream and produced a couple of episodes that you can now find on The RanchCast YouTube channel. After those episodes aired, I went through the feedback from the community and other streamers. Now we’re ready to re-launch.