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Top 10 Azure Cognitive Services

Microsoft’s cloud-based platform Azure has helped many businesses expand and cut back on their costs associated with hosting and storing data on a traditional server. Furthermore, the platform has given developers a chance to create, manage, and deploy powerful applications capable of assisting cloud customers to perform any number of tasks. From handwriting recognition to text sentiment analysis and Bing ad-free image search, Azure’s ML-based services spans many areas.

Shipping Clean Code at Sentry with Linters, Travis CI, Percy, & More

Shipping clean, safe, and correct code is a high priority for engineering at Sentry. Bugs are best discovered before they hit production because afterward they have real user impact and can drain even a high-performing team’s resources quickly. The later in the development cycle a bug is found, the longer it will take to fix.

AWS CloudWatch Configuration Guide: Getting Started

If you remember getting an Erector Set as a kid, I’m sorry. In a stocking full of toy building systems, an Erector Set is the proverbial lump of coal. The instructions are complicated, and the pieces are made of metal, connected together with tiny screws. Few children have ever completed one of these sets successfully.

Improve Heroku Geolocation Performance with the Geolite2 Buildpack

Recently, we began using IP geolocation within StatusGator to learn where are users are located. We are happy to say that it’s working out well. We hoped to use these insights to tune our marketing. To that end, we added the Ahoy gem to help collect information related to how our advertising campaigns are going. The Ahoy gem also uses the geolocation gem to lookup IP addresses. This significantly increased the number of IP geolocation lookups.

Jenkins in a Nutshell

In many projects, the product development workflow has three main concerns: building, testing, and deployment. Each change to the code means something could accidentally go wrong, so in order to prevent this from happening developers adopt many strategies to diminish incidents and bugs. Jenkins, and other continuous integration tools (CI) are used together with a source version software (such as GIT) to test and quickly evaluate the updated code.

An Opinionated List of Skills You Need for a DevOps Job in 2018

The world of DevOps is a pretty confusing place for folks just starting out. Even figuring out what “DevOps” means can be hard. Is it CI/CD with Kubernetes and Serverless to drive Agile product iterations? Or is it SSH-ing into a box and restarting Apache? You guessed it. All of the above and most things in between.