New Servers View in Sematext Cloud
The popular Servers View has been overhauled. It’s both more modern looking and more powerful than the old version. Some things you can do with the new Servers view.
The popular Servers View has been overhauled. It’s both more modern looking and more powerful than the old version. Some things you can do with the new Servers view.
The way we think about development started with Waterfall – sequential, solid, conservative – moved to Agile, whose origins can be traced back to a somewhat romantic story at a ski resort in Utah, and is now heavily influenced by DevOps.
With the increasing adoption of containerization, the need arose to manage, schedule and control clusters of containers, and that’s where Kubernetes comes in. Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, generally being Docker containers. When interfacing with Kubernetes, 2 competing tools are often discussed: Terraform, and Helm.
For all the people in a hurry, StackStorm will be at ServerlessConf in San Francisco July 31-Aug 1, 2018. Winson Chan and Dmitri Zimine will be speakers from StackStorm talking about our new workflow engine and serverless functions. We also have a booth with cool demos showcasing our new multi-cloud serverless orchestrator – Orquesta and our new workflow engine. Of course, we will have some cool swags!
Boston and Tel Aviv, July 26, 2018 —, the leader in AI-powered log analysis, releases the results of their annual DevOps Pulse survey in honor of SysAdmin Day 2018, a day dedicated to honoring the work of SysAdmins and DevOps professionals across the globe. This year, the survey emphasized security and compliance in light of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enforcement and worldwide concerns over data privacy and the growing threat landscape.
One of the key performance indicators of any system, application, product, or process is how certain parameters or data points perform over time. What if you want to monitor hits on an API endpoint or database latency in seconds? A single data point captured in the present moment won’t tell you much by itself. However, tracking that same trend over time will tell you much more, including the impact of change on a particular metric.
Ahoy there. Continuous shipping: a concept many companies talk about but never get around to implementing. Ever wonder why that is? In the first post of this three-part series, we’ll go over(board) the concept of continuous shipping and why it’s valuable. Parts two and three will deep-dive into the process implementation. Buckle that life jacket; it’s time to set sail.
Over the past few years, we have accelerated into a fast-paced ‘everything now’ era. Endless tech-powered innovations are giving customers more choices than ever before. When developing new products and features, continuous delivery and rapid software release cycles are now the norms. Enterprises have to adapt, improve, and deliver solutions faster to stay competitive and meet changing customer needs.
Next week at Google Cloud Next ‘18, you’ll be hearing about new ways to think about and ensure the availability of your applications. A big part of that is establishing and monitoring service-level metrics—something that our Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) team does day in and day out here at Google.
In a recent study of software development teams using Jira Software, we found those that integrate with Bitbucket release 14% faster than those that don’t. For many industries where the pace of change is rapid and the market incredibly competitive, it’s this speed that can separate the great products in the eyes of users from the merely “good” ones.