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A story about HTTP status codes and why you should read documentation

Since 2020, I’ve been working on an Express (Node.js framework) application to power viewer interactions and events that happen whilst I’m streaming live coding on Twitch — my Twitch bot. Since using Sentry for error monitoring and crashes using the Sentry Node SDK, I’ve already squashed quite a few bugs that were entirely a result of my own terrible code.

Creating Ephemeral Environments for CI/CD Pipelines with Kubernetes

In the swiftly evolving tech world, the need for agile and efficient development processes is paramount. This was the essence of our enlightening event, "Creating Ephemeral Environments for CI/CD Pipelines with Kubernetes," which garnered an impressive turnout of over 650 attendees. The event, now available on Youtube, focused on the transformative potential of ephemeral environments in modern CI/CD pipelines.

Making the most of bandwidth on-demand: What is flex bandwidth?

One of Console Connect's most powerful features is the ability to quickly configure and immediately provision Layer 2 interconnections between Console Connect endpoints at the bandwidth capacity you need. But what if your bandwidth needs evolve or you need to respond to a temporary surge in demand? You might encounter scenarios where you need more flexibility, such as.

Enterprise Hosting: A solution for the ever-changing digital world

Having your websites and apps run smoothly at all times is crucial to the success of your brand, and having something go wrong can be catastrophic. But getting bogged down in all of the things that go into setting up and managing them is time-consuming and complicated—especially if your tech team's capabilities are on the lighter side. With an enterprise hosting solution, everything is handled for you. You get infrastructure, management, security, scaling, and more all rolled into one.

What BCDEdit Does and How To Use It

Every interaction with a Windows operating system begins with a successful boot process, paving the way for a stable user environment. Central to this process is the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store, which houses the essential boot information that guides the system during the boot process. Managing this crucial data is the command-line utility BCDEdit, or “Boot Configuration Data Editor”.

What Is a Load Balancer?

In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, constant connection is vital for consumers, partners, and employees alike. Cloud-based architecture not only provides an elixir against downtime but is helping organizations unlock further streams of revenue. Today, the workload requirements of AI, application development and global service delivery have each individually been drivers for nearly 40% of multi-cloud adoption.

Turbocharge your API and microservice delivery on MicroK8s with Microcks

In the fast-paced world of software development, the ability to deliver and iterate quickly on APIs and microservices is essential. Traditional testing methods can be time-consuming and often slow down development cycles. That is where API and service mocking tools like Microcks can come to the rescue. Microcks shipped as a new community add-on for the recent MicroK8s 1.28 release. Microcks is a Cloud Native Computing Sandbox project dedicated to API mocking and testing tools on Kubernetes.