In the relatively short window of time that Kubernetes has been around, it’s rapidly matured as a critical technology foundation for the cloud, and now even applications that were previously thought to be unviable for containers are running with Kubernetes. As companies expand their usage of it, the need to operationalize Kubernetes with automation and optimization is critical to maintaining speed, agility and control in the long-term.
The cloud native revolution brought by Kubernetes has transformed the way we build and deliver software, but the world of big data has for too long been left on the side of this transformation. Thanks to many contributions from the open source community, Apache Spark integration on top of Kubernetes is now officially generally available with the recent releases this year.
Since we launched Qovery in January 2020, we offered free hosting ("Community" plan) for every developer. Providing free hosting was the perfect way to get product feedback and iterate with our users without the cost constraint. As our hosting infrastructure costs have drastically grown within the last 18 months, we had to reinvent our free offer. In a nutshell, we will continue to offer free hosting to involved community members only. Keep reading to know more 👇
Code signing is an important part of testing and distributing your desktop and mobile applications. It ensures that the end user’s system can verify the legitimacy of your application. Because of the need for security around signed certificates, they are stored locally and not uploaded to the cloud. This constraint could prevent your team from fully automating your CI/CD pipeline.
At DevWeek Austin, we discussed how AI and ML have come to the DevOps toolchain and are a great fit! Here are the 3 main takeaways.
In an on-premises environment, you have to pay for the capacity you have regardless of whether you’re using it, and you can’t exceed that capacity without purchasing and provisioning new hardware. In the cloud, however, you have much more flexibility thanks to cloud elasticity, which is the ability to automatically provision or deprovision resources based on workload changes.
This tutorial shows you how to set up a Ubuntu Desktop on Google Cloud. If you need a graphic interface to your virtual desktop on the cloud, this tutorial will teach you how to set up a desktop environment just like what you can get on your own computer. We need four steps to set up a machine.