Jenkins, OpenTelemetry, Observability
If you’re like most organizations, you’re leveraging Jenkins for all sorts of things. Deployment pipelines, automated API tests, even glorified CRON jobs just to name a few.
If you’re like most organizations, you’re leveraging Jenkins for all sorts of things. Deployment pipelines, automated API tests, even glorified CRON jobs just to name a few.
Happy New Year 2022! The fireworks are all fired, the champagne is over. It is time to get back to work. We are glad to see you here though. 2021 was a good year for OpenStack and its Ubuntu-based community. First, we all have seen Ubuntu becoming the number one operating system (OS) for OpenStack deployment. Then, the Open Infrastructure Foundation (OIF) reported explosive growth in the number of production OpenStack clouds. The community grew and settled on the most convenient platform.
The previous blog post talked about the composability of applications. The key element for composing applications is defining the relations between application elements. And supporting relations is one of the advantages of the Charmed Operator Framework – including its runtime, the Charmed Operator Lifecycle Manager.
SD-WAN is one of the fastest-growing segments of the network infrastructure market. Designed correctly, it will deliver unique advantages, enabling true digital transformation while reducing costs and management time and increasing application performance, availability, visibility and user experience. While the benefits of SD-WAN are obvious, we know it can often be a challenge to select the appropriate approach to design, implementation, and ongoing management.
We are excited to announce the launch of Speedscale CLI, a free observability tool that inspects, detects and maps API calls on local applications or containers. The offering underscores the importance of continued and proactive API testing to quickly detect and debug defects within a shifting array of upstream and downstream interdependencies.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employers are losing more than four million workers every single month. That, coupled with the record number of 11 million open jobs, has left businesses across the board scrambling to crack the code and find a way to not only attract top talent – but, more importantly – keep them from jumping ship at the next best opportunity.
Many of the multi-faceted applications development teams deploy every day are loosely coupled and every service exists to power another service. Most teams developing fullstack applications know that testing the communication between these services essential. Part of the process is testing HTTP request endpoints, and this tutorial focuses on exactly that. I will lead you through learning how to extend the k6 framework to test our HTTP endpoints.