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GitKraken Workshop: Tuning Up PR Workflows

Discover practical tips for smoother coding collaboration & get a peek into what's cooking at GitKraken! Traditional development workflows rely heavily on pull requests, causing devs to wait around for feedback. Not only that, encountering merge conflicts from outdated branches or simultaneous code changes can be frustrating and disrupt your flow. In this workshop, Justin Roberts and Jeremy Castile explore ways to encourage early collaboration, reduce rework, and get a clear picture of your work.

Struggling with #Git? Check this out #shorts

What's a remote? What about a push? What do you mean, "fetch"?? 😰 All of these questions (and more 👀) are answered in GitKraken's Foundations of Git course – perfect for Git newbies or for those looking to amp up their version control game. 💪 Whether you work in a GUI or CLI, this free course has everything you need to transform your Git journey from bewildering to brilliant!

See all PRs, Issues & WIPs in the CLI #GitKraken #FocusView #shorts

Command line environments can feel stale. You punch in something to get something out, and sometimes, that's all you need – but as projects grow, extra visual elements for organization become invaluable. 🚀 Focus View in the GitKraken CLI makes things easier. Navigate through lists, pop out links, switch tabs, and fine-tune what you see with Pin & Snooze. No more digging through one item at a time – everything you need is right there, at a glance. 🤩