Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


What Is Platform Engineering?

If DevOps is an approach to software development that emphasizes collaboration between Development and Operations teams, then Platform Engineering operationalizes that approach by creating a centralized platform that has specific sets of tools and processes. It’s the discipline of designing and building toolchains and workflows that enable self-service capabilities for software engineering organizations in a cloud-native era.

Part II: A Journey of a Thousand Binaries - The Challenges with Software Dependencies

In part one of this series, we looked at what is a dependency, different types of dependencies, and their benefits in our code. In part two, we’ll look at the risks of using dependencies. Whenever we add a dependency we are increasing the risks of any software development cycle.

IoT Management 101 with JFrog Connect - Workshop

There are more than 12 billion IoT devices globally, and IDC estimates 41 billion by 2025. IoT includes connected smart devices like industrial robots, retail kiosks, security cameras, and maker devices using Raspberry Pi (RPi). Managing IoT into real-world production can be challenging to scale and manage. JFrog Connect is a complete solution for updating, monitoring, managing and troubleshooting Linux-based devices globally.

5 tips on how Developers, DevOps and security teams can work together

As we all know, team collaboration can sometimes be a bit complicated. Especially when different teams in the organization strive to achieve their own individual goals. This is where new organizational practices, such as DevOps and DevSecOps, have paved the path for us to work together and achieve our mutual goals. Take a look at these three trying to make it work… Triple Therapy for your Dev, Sec AND Ops Teams.

Gain real-time observability into your software supply chain with the New Relic Log Analytics Integration

JFrog’s new log analytics integration with New Relic brings together powerful observability capabilities to monitor, analyze, and visualize logs and metrics from self-hosted JFrog environments. The integration is free for all tiers of self-hosted JFrog customers and utilizes the powerful, open source log management tool, Fluentd, to collect, process, and surface data in New Relic dashboards.

Release Trusted Software Faster - Our New release Lifecycle Management Beta Is Here

Releasing production-ready software is a complicated tangle of tools and processes lacking visibility, traceability, and consistency. This leads to custom integrations and human intervention, which create opportunities for mistakes, impede automation, and increase the likelihood of insecure software being released. JFrog’s release lifecycle management capabilities enable “release first” software supply chain (SSC) management, delivering trusted software faster.

How to Onboard to a Federated Repository

Scaling up your development organization typically involves spreading development across multiple locations around the globe. One of the key challenges with multisite development is ensuring reliable access to required software packages and artifacts for teams collaborating across time zones. The JFrog Software Supply Chain Platform solves this challenge with federated repositories in JFrog Artifactory.

A Live Chat with JFrog: 2023 Software Package Trends

While there are lots of #datareports out there, JFrog’s "2023 Software Artifact State of the Union" is the first of its kind to examine what types of packages and #binaries are leveraged in creating and delivering consumer-ready #software. Join JFrog Solution Engineering Manager, William Manning and Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Sean Pratt for a live Q&A chat.

Complete your Software Supply Chain with GitLab CI/CD and JFrog

Software is more than building code. Developing software and ensuring quality builds requires managing a complete software supply chain. With the many security threats across the supply chain, managing each and every aspect of the software you deliver to your customers, including the entire process of how it was made, is critical to your organization. This means setting up your software release cycle to include DevOps and security best practices.