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Applying GitOps And Continuous Delivery (CD) On Infrastructure Using Terraform, Codefresh, And Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

There are many articles and videos about practicing Continuous Delivery (CD) with applications, but not nearly as many for infrastructure. The same can be said for GitOps applied to infrastructure. That is a bit strange given that applications and infrastructure are almost the same today. Both are defined as code, and everyone stores code in Git repositories. Hence, GitOps is just as good of a fit for infrastructure as for anything else.

What The Heck Is Continuous Integration (CI), Delivery (CD), And Deployment (CDP)?

CI and CD tools are popular for a good reason. They help us automate the application lifecycle, fully or partially. However, the problem is that, in some cases, we are moving away from the core principles behind the CI and CD processes. Products on the market tend to “bend” the definitions of what CI and CD are so that their products can get “yet another sticker”. This is an attempt to bring sanity into the insane situation in which everything and nothing are CI and CD.

Reduce Security Cost by Shifting Left

With the emergence of “Shift Left” as common practice for development, we’re seeing many opportunities to reduce costs around our development practices, but what about security? Prisma Cloud is supporting “Shift Left” by making their scanning capabilities available to Developers and CI Tooling to run scans against microservice projects. As a bonus, the Prisma Cloud product suite scanning capabilities fit perfectly within Codefresh.

Kubevious - a Revolutionary Kubernetes Dashboard for Cross-Checking and Validating Your Kubernetes Resources

The standard Command Line Interface for Kubernetes (kubectl) is a very powerful tool for debugging or monitoring purposes. It is very inefficient, but just if you want to get a high-level overview of your Kubernetes cluster or want to work with multiple resources at the same time. A large number of graphical Kubernetes dashboards exist today and chances are that you already used the default Kubernetes dashboard or the one that comes with your cloud provider.