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How Can Companies Integrate Ethical AI? | Splunk's Ram Sriharsha & Dr. Rumman Chowdhury

Organizations use AI to be more competitive, deliver better business outcomes and avoid falling behind. However, business leaders should know they pose their organizations’ serious risk if they do not comply with ethical standards. Leadership must enable teams to practice ethical business strategies, up-level talent strategy, and enable organizational resilience. Dr. Rumman Chowdhury and Ram Sriharsha, Head of Machine Learning at Splunk, discuss the challenges companies will face if they do not comply with ethical standards and how to solve for fairness and privacy.

Getting Started with the Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry Java

Splunk Distro for OpenTelemetry is a secure, production-ready, Splunk-supported distribution of the OpenTelemetry project and provides multiple installable packages that automatically instruments your Java application to capture and report distributed traces to Splunk APM (no code changes required!), making it easy to get started with distributed tracing!

Splunk App for Amazon Connect: End-to-End(point) Visibility for an Optimal Customer Experience

How do you ensure a customer experience (CX) that leaves both participants of a conversation not just satisfied, but elated afterwards? And how do you do that, thousands of times over the course of a day and millions of times a year?

Splunk and Zscaler Utilize Data and Zero Trust to Eradicate Threats

The past year has challenged us in unimaginable ways. We kept our distance for the greater good, while companies faced the daunting task of transforming their workforce from in-person to remote — practically overnight. This presented a unique challenge for cybersecurity teams. How would they ensure employees retained access to critical data in a secure way? Working in the cloud has made remote work easier for many organizations, but has also presented new risks.

Streamlining Vulnerability Management with Splunk Phantom

Vulnerabilities are weaknesses in the security infrastructure that bad actors can exploit to gain unauthorized access to a private network. It is nearly impossible for security analysts to patch 100% of the vulnerabilities identified on any given day, but a vulnerability management plan can ensure that the highest risk vulnerabilities (those that are most likely to cause a data breach), will be addressed immediately.

Monitoring AWS EC2 with Splunk Observability

Today, much of our online world is powered by cloud computing, and Amazon Web Services offers an amazing depth and breadth of available services. However, most of the time it starts with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, EC2. EC2 is powered by virtual servers called instances and allows users to provision scalable compute capacity as desired. This means no server hardware investment and the ability to scale up or down in response to demand (thus elastic).

Full-stack monitoring for code-to-cloud visibility

Engineering teams are very used to talking about their tech stack as the technologies and tools used to build their application. Monitoring also has a stack, and full-stack monitoring is when you align each layer of your tech stack with a monitoring practice and weave a thread from every layer. True code-to-cloud visibility is only accomplished with full-stack monitoring, and necessary for long-term DevOps success.

The 7 Hues of DevOps

Purple teams. Blue, green, red, back, canary deploys. Golden signals and red metrics. There are oddly a lot of color adjectives used in DevOps terminology, and Dave and Chris cover them all in this episode. They will talk about the range of deployment strategies for modern applications. The various types of metrics used to monitor them, and the different approaches to understanding how much visibility is good enough.

Going Live: Splunk Operator for Kubernetes 1.0.0

With everything going on in the world, it seems like a lifetime ago that we started talking about the Splunk Operator for Kubernetes, which enables customers to easily deploy, scale, and manage Splunk Enterprise on their choice of cloud environment. During that time, we’ve heard from an increasing number of on-premise and public cloud Bring-Your-Own-License Splunk customers that containerization and Kubernetes are an important part of their current and future deployment plans.