The password reset just might be the most notorious high-volume, repetitive IT ticket ever. Who actually remembers passwords, anyway? Considering just about everything done online requires some sort of login with a unique username and password, remembering all those individual combinations of letters, numbers, and special characters isn’t easy! And so employees turn to IT for what can be nonstop help.
BigPanda transforms millions of events into a small number of actionable alerts, no matter where they originate. How? Watch this video to learn more. The video shows how BigPanda allows you to normalize tag values across all tools, aiding event enrichment and correlation. The open integration manager then makes it easy to pre-process the event data helping to filter unwanted events from the feed. The filtering strips out duplicate and low-relevancy events and keeps them from cluttering up the console.
Incident response is one of the most prevalent, time-consuming, and challenging processes in an already complex IT environment. At the height of digital transformation and organizational strategy, businesses are craving success and growth during a time when next to nothing seems certain.
Ask Maria von Trapp from the Sound of Music what her favourite things are, and she’ll quickly rattle off a list including, raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens and even brown paper packages tied up with strings. But over the years if you’ve ever asked me what my favourite things are (to Automate), I’ve often struggled to give an answer. The problem is, there is so much to choose from and where do you begin?