Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Three Preventative Strategies to Help Mitigate Asset Risk in Your Agency

For many federal employees, the workplace has shifted from a traditional office setting to being at home—in a kitchen, bedroom, basement, or any spare desk in the house. With a physical workplace transformation of this nature, cybersecurity concerns come to the forefront. While most agencies have been diligent in addressing these concerns, how has your agency planned to secure its physical inventory?

What Is DataOps for Database Professionals?

Silos in IT should be a construct of the past. Tight, rigid, and insulated IT silos were an unintentional design flaw of many IT organizations worldwide over the last few decades. Corporate teams would work on their respective piece of the puzzle in isolation, actively completing their tasks, but having little to no input or conversation on how their output contributed to the greater good. When you lay out the flow, it looks something like Figure 1.

How to Measure Uptime SLOs Using Pingdom and Nobl9

Do you find yourself asking, “What should our first service-level objective (SLO)be?” The simplest way to get started if you have a website is to measure uptime SLOs. The SLO will measure your uptime and how your site compares to your reliability goals. By following the steps outlined here, you can get up and running with your first SLO in minutes. To get started, you’ll need to set up an account on SolarWinds® Pingdom®.

Empowering Data Management and DBAs Through Better Tooling | SolarWinds Roundtable

There isn’t a magical solution to the challenges that DBAs face on a daily basis. Instead, you need to become proficient in the use of a number of different tools to achieve your aims. In this roundtable, SolarWinds Head Geek Kevin Kline is joined with Megan Longoria and Jon Moore to discuss the evolution of tools for the accidental and seasoned DBA alike. The panel will discuss tools of the past, their favorite new tools, and overall, why you need database monitoring and operation tools.

How to Perform Point-in-Time Recovery of a SQL Server Database

In a previous post in the backup and restore series, How to Restore Databases From Native SQL Server Backups, Tim mentioned some more advanced options when restoring a database backup, including performing point-in-time recovery of a SQL Server database (sometimes known as PITR). In this tutorial, I’ll build on the information in Tim’s post by showing you how to use backups to perform point-in-time recovery and a more advanced way to determine an exact point to restore to.

Let the Orion Platform Do the Heavy Lifting | Using the Orion API for Fun and Profit: Session 2

Continuing the discussion from the previous THWACK Livecast about letting the Orion® Platform products automate your work, we’ll be stepping away from the web console and start digging into the SolarWinds Orion Application Programming Interface (API). The power of the Orion API is in its flexibility. If you want to unmanage or mute devices to coincide with your change management windows, or do bulk actions on devices, or even add devices to monitoring from nothing more than an IP address, it can be done with the API.

2021 AWS Outage and How To Prevent Your Websites and Applications From Being Impacted

December 7 started as a typical, but busy, pre-holiday weekday. This included a mix of booming online retail sales ($33.9 billion spent during cyber week), packages flooding delivery services, and high online traffic. But much of that quickly came to a crawl. An outage of the AWS us-east-1 cloud region changed the good fortune for many websites and applications and impacted the lives of consumers across the United States and parts of Europe.

Understanding the Role of a Data Steward

Many years ago, in my earliest IT jobs in Omaha, Nebraska, I realized the field of data was going to continue to evolve and, as such, there would always be a need for people who worked with and understood data. Regardless of which industry someone worked in—financial, medical, governmental, transportation, or retail—someone would have to work with and maintain business data, or the business would fail. This realization led me into the world of databases and SQL Server.