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Papertrail and Heroku

SolarWinds® Papertrail™ has supported Heroku almost from the beginning, as an add-on in the Heroku Marketplace and as a compatible standalone log management tool. Heroku’s focus on empowering developers to build and deliver applications by providing an easy-to-use platform as a service fits perfectly with the vision of Papertrail. Both developer-focused technologies can be set up typically in minutes, are easy to use, and offer powerful functions.

Let the Orion Platform Do the Heavy Lifting | Orion Platform Automation Made Easy: Session 1

Whether you know it or not, the Orion® Platform has some easy-to-use automation built right in. Automatically adding discovered devices, assigning custom properties, taking the toil out of building groups, and a plethora of other ways you can save precious time and reduce errors.

4 Best Tools to Measure and Reduce Network Latency

If your network operations are slow and inefficient, you could be having issues with your latency. Latency measures how long it takes for data to move from one place to another. There are many reasons why you could be experiencing network latency—propagation time, transmission delays, and processing delays are all common causes of latency. When latency occurs, it negatively affects the performance of your network.

Web Performance of the Top 50 E-commerce/Retail Sites in 2021

Many factors have led to the massive increase of online retail sales in 2020 and 2021, including the increasing reliance of online activities from COVID-19. To put the growth into perspective: in 2017 when we last reported on web performance for the world’s leading retail sites, the industry generated around $2.2 trillion in revenue. In 2021, global e-commerce sales are expected to hit $4.921 trillion.

Achieve Breakthrough Performance in Your Microsoft Environment

In a world where 1.145 trillion MB of data is generated every day, the art of database management has become more important than ever. I use the word “art” because it captures a sense of the wizardry needed to effectively manage data. After all, our world is dominated by mobile devices and hybrid IT environments. Database migrations happen regularly, and data resides both on-premises and in the cloud. All these things have brought a new complexity to database management.

Sensitive Data Management - Working With Sensitive Data in Regulated Industries

Let’s face it—the harsh reality, seen often in news stories today, is that security breaches are going to happen. In today’s world of cybercriminals and nation-state attackers, it’s not a question of “if” but “when” your organization is attacked. If you don’t take appropriate steps to ensure sensitive data is protected properly, it could devastate the organization financially.

How Data Types and Query Tuning Can Improve Application Performance

One of the easier ways to improve the performance of your SQL Server and Azure SQL database queries is to ensure you choose the right data types for your data, and the data types in your application’s code match the ones in your stored procedures and queries. Choosing the right data type conserves space, because doing something like choosing a variable character type for data of fixed, regular length like a phone number or national ID number is wasteful.

How Pingdom's Real User Monitoring Can Help Optimize Your WordPress Website

Enterprise web applications or medium-to-large, consumer-facing websites are typically built by teams of engineers, administrators, web developers, and other professionals. However, once a site goes live, the operations team is responsible for keeping the site up and running at optimal performance. Online users aren’t forgiving, often abandoning a site as soon as they encounter an issue with functionality, complexity, or performance.