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ML and AI enabled IT Ops: the NOC as a modern cockpit

A common sentiment among our prospects after they see our demo for the first time is: “That’s it? It can’t be that simple!”. The truth is – yes it can be, and it should be. ML and AI should make IT Ops simpler, and a big part of that is usability. If your ML & AI powered IT Ops tools take months to set up and weeks to learn, and then don’t provide a substantially improved user experience, you’re obviously using the wrong tools.

Managing EU VAT with Stripe for a SaaS is not *that* hard

This is a short follow up to last week's story on Stripe Billing as a reader on Hackernews commented that it seemed we didn't handle VAT. We do, but I just left it out of the story. For those not familiar with handling EU VAT for SaaS companies: It's a bit of counter intuitive jungle. At least that's what some dedicated SaaS startups make you believe. Also, Stripe does not handle it at all. They give you a { taxRate: null } field for you to fill.

Deploy Your First Deep Learning Model On Kubernetes With Python, Keras, Flask, and Docker

This post demonstrates a *basic* example of how to build a deep learning model with Keras, serve it as REST API with Flask, and deploy it using Docker and Kubernetes. This is NOT a robust, production example. This is a quick guide for anyone out there who has heard about Kubernetes but hasn’t tried it out yet. To that end, I use Google Cloud for every step of this process.

GTC 2019 Accelerating AI Performance, Ease of Use with Ubuntu and NVIDIA DGX

Carmine Rimi of Canonical and Tony Paikeday, NVIDIA, discuss the need for flexibility, performance, and ease of use in AI development solutions. They continue to address how NVIDIA's DGX platforms and Ubuntu emphasize accessibility for these data scientists and engineers, allowing them to get up and running quickly with familiar technology.

Kafka Open Source Monitoring Tools

Open source software adoption continues to grow within enterprises (even for legacy applications), beyond just startups and born-in-the-cloud software. In this second part of our Kafka monitoring series (see the first part discussing Kafka metrics to monitor), we’ll take a look at some open source tools available to monitor Kafka clusters. We’ll explore what it takes to install, configure, and actually use each tool in a meaningful way.

An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Everything You Need to Know

AI and ML adoption in the enterprise is exploding from Silicon Valley to Wall Street. Ubuntu is becoming the premier platform for these ambitions — from developer workstations, to racks, to clouds and to the edge with smart connected IoT. But with new developer trends comes a plethora of new technologies and terminologies to understand.

How we deal with plan limits in the front end of our SaaS app

If you run a SaaS, you probably want to show your users when they are almost running out of widgets. Or that they can get some cool feature on a more expensive plan. Or, in other words, how can you be nice and commercial in dealing with plan limits. Last week we already looked at how we manage plans & features for Checkly. That write up was very back end focused, so this week I wanted to dive deeper into how we actually show this to our users in a friendly way.

Everything You Need to Know About the OSS Licensing War, Part 2.

Where we left off: AWS had taken the Elasticsearch software and launched their own cloud offering in 2015, and Elastic N.V. had doubled down on an “open core strategy.” Once AWS decides to offer a project like Elasticsearch, it immediately becomes a truly formidable competitor to anyone trying to do the same, even the company behind the software itself. AWS has huge scale, operational expertise, and various network effects that really compound.