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AI and machine learning in compliance technology

It’s true that AI and machine learning have already provided us with some opportunities to transform entrenched methods of recording and monitoring communications in regulated industries. However, to date, most companies’ injection of AI has been limited and solutions have been piecemeal. But that’s all about to change as the rapid expansion in the applications of AI in compliance is just around the corner.

AI Search: The secret to better customer self-service

Hari Vats, senior knowledge manager of global technical support at ServiceNow, co-authored this blog. Who wouldn’t want a faster, more relevant search on their knowledge base? Improving search results is tricky. Organizations can spend a lot of time and money making small improvements to very complex, dynamic environments of information. When ServiceNow acquired an AI search technology company in 2020, we were thrilled to see an immediate return.

Wind River Achieves Prestigious Service Capability & Performance Standards Certification

Wind River has earned certification under the prestigious Service Capability & Performance (SCP) Standards. This certification recognizes Wind River Customer Support, part of Wind River Studio, for delivering top-quality service and support by continually meeting a stringent set of performance factors that represent best practices in the industry.

How AI and ML will impact the future of software development with Nathan Mellis

Rob sits down with Nathan Mellis, Director of Engineering at Modzy to discuss all things ML and AI in the space of software development. Get answers to questions like, Join this fascinating conversation of where the industry of software development is headed next.

On AI Adoption, IT Teams Lag Far Behind Security Teams. AIOps Can Help

Security operations teams and IT operations teams share a lot in common. They have both spent the past decade grappling with systems that grow more complex every year and figuring out ways to handle ever-larger volumes of data. They also both face pressure to identify and remediate problems as quickly as possible – ideally, in real time. And they are supposed to do it all without breaking the bank.

Machine Learning for the Financial Sector using D2iQ's Kaptain

Learn how your Financial organization can benefit from Kubernetes with machine learning. Kaptain, D2iQ's cloud-native end-to-end machine learning platform, already powers government organizations and research teams across the globe in highly secure environments. Financial organizations can now leverage that same technology to infuse their products and services with AI.

The Impact of AI and ML in ITSM with 10 Real World Use Cases

Artificial intelligence (AI) was highlighted as a key IT service management (ITSM) trend in 2021. IT organizations are beginning to employ various AI and machine learning techniques to enhance and improve IT service management processes. Because of the abundance of data generated by ITSM systems, applying machine learning to ITSM processes makes a lot of sense as it can provide IT professionals with a deeper understanding of their infrastructure and procedures.

How Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Are Transforming The Future Of Renewable Energy

We use energy in many different ways in our lives, be it for lighting up our houses, running electronic appliances or as fuel in our vehicles. There are mainly two types of energy: renewable energy and non-renewable energy. Non-renewable energy includes fossil fuels like natural gas, petroleum and coal. However, these energy sources come from nature itself; it is impossible to renew them quickly. This means that these resources will become entirely exhausted in the upcoming years.