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The latest News and Information on Application Performance Monitoring and related technologies.

What's new in Elastic Stack 6.x - Morgan Goeller - Elastic San Antonio Meetup

In this meetup, we will highlight a few of the many: Canvas, Rollups, Machine Learning, etc. We will also talk about the evolution of the Elastic Stack into new solutions areas with the launch of new products such as APM and App Search. 6.3 has just arrived, with a ton of features and major changes. Come learn about new features around SQL, Rollups, App Search, Kubernetes, and APM.

Business Transaction Monitoring: Not the Be-All and End-All of APM

Business transaction monitoring, a critical aspect of application performance monitoring (APM), is the approach commonly used to identify and diagnose server-side processing slowness in web applications. While it has many benefits, business transaction monitoring has its limits. It stops with identifying of the server-side tier that is causing application slowness and highlights application code-level and database query-level issues.

Optimizing and Troubleshooting Your Application, the Google Way (Cloud Next '18)

In this session, you’ll learn about the value of these kinds of tools, how you can automatically extract telemetry from your app with OpenCensus, and will receive a demonstration of how to solve customer issues in a multi-cloud deployment with Stackdriver APM and other tools supported by OpenCensus.