Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

March 2024

Announcing the Harvester v1.3.0 release

Last week – on the 15th of March 2024 – the Harvester team excitingly shared their latest release, version 1.3.0. The 1.3.0 release has a focus on some frequently requested features, such as vGPU support and support for two-node clusters with a witness node for high availability. As well as a technical preview of ARM enablement for Harvester and cluster management using Fleet. Let’s dive into the 1.3.0 release and the standout features…

How NeuVector Leverages eBPF to Improve Observability and Security

There’s been a lot of recent interest in eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) and its application for container security solutions. Let’s examine eBPF’s features and benefits and how NeuVector utilizes them to enhance its full-lifecycle container security solution.

Rancher Live: The legal aspects of open source

Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies have become widely adopted in the last decade, making them ubiquitous. This has significantly contributed to the open-source movement and highlighted the importance of policymaking in the successful adoption and sustainability of the ecosystem. However, understanding and navigating the complex legal landscape on the path to production can be challenging, particularly for developers seeking to understand the ecosystem. That’s why, in this episode of Rancher Live, we will take a slight detour from talking tech to deconstructing some key policy issues associated with open-source software with OpenUK's CEO, Amanda Brock.

NeuVector UI Extension for Rancher Enhances Secure Cloud Native Stack

We have officially released the first version of the NeuVector UI Extension for Rancher! This release is an exciting first step for integrating NeuVector security monitoring and enforcement into the Rancher Manager UI. The security vision for SUSE and its enterprise container management (ECM) products has always been to enable easy deployment, monitoring and management of a secure cloud native stack.

Know Before You Go : KubeCon EU 2024

Let's face it - major global conferences like KubeCon + CloudNativeCon can be intimidating and exhausting to navigate, whether you're a newbie or a veteran. As an international attendee, add in travel, jetlag, and a bunch of other stuff and what you get is a recipe for a stressful week. Join Robert Sirchia as he hosts Aurelie Vache and Cyril Cuvier to learn how you can make the most of the upcoming KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Paris.

Know Before You Go: Cloud Native Rejekts

You may have heard of KubeCon, but have you met its cool & edgy sibling, Cloud Native Rejekts? A human-sized conference that offers speakers the opportunity to upcycle their rejected KubeCon sessions, this one is truly curated for the community, by the community. Join Divya Mohan, our Principal Technology Advocate and first-time attendee, as she hosts Benazir Khan, one of the organisers, to learn what you can expect from the conference, some behind-the-scenes banter, and much more on this Know Before You Go episode.