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August 2020

A Service-Level What?

For any given service—be it provided by software (e.g., application, platform), hardware (e.g., infrastructure), or human (e.g, delivery, support, documentation)—there is a level of reliability required to achieve user satisfaction. While users, from end users of web or mobile applications to developers that use a platform, want to utilize a service's features, they care more about service reliability. After all, if the service is not working, they cannot make use of those features.

Tanzu Tuesdays - Cloud Native Buildpacks with Emily Casey

Dockerfiles are the defacto tool many developers reach for when transforming source code into images. However, organizations frequently encounter day-2 problems that present serious obstacles to running Dockerfile-built images in production. Cloud Foundry and Heroku fans will be familiar with the previous generation of buildpacks, which work in concert with the platform to solve many of these problems including application and OS-level dependency updates.

Extend Your Apps with AWS, Azure, and GCP Services Using Cloud Service Broker

Many large organizations deploy Cloud Foundry atop the public cloud to deliver superior business outcomes. The app platform has proven to be a terrific way to adopt public cloud in an efficient, expedient, and secure fashion. There’s another benefit to deploying atop the public cloud—easy access to innovative, first-party services.

Kubernetes 1.19 Is Here!

Kubernetes typically follows a quarterly release cycle. However, 2020 has been an unprecedented year so far, one that has impacted many contributors and businesses. The Kubernetes community responded to the challenges of 2020 by making some changes to the Kubernetes 1.19 release timeline. These changes extended the release cycle to allow more release candidates to be built while giving the community more time to focus on the enhancements that would be delivered.

From Idea to Product: How VMware Pivotal Labs Helps Startups Grow

For some startups, it can be tough to transition from a great idea to a usable product—especially if that product involves software. The same often goes for teams within large enterprises trying to capitalize on new opportunities, or to modernize existing applications to meet the demands of modern users. They know what result they want, but they don’t always know what to build to achieve that outcome, much less how to build it.

Digital Experience Monitoring with Tanzu Observability and Catchpoint Integration

In today’s highly digitized world, a seamless digital experience is an important aspect of driving customer behavior. As businesses adopt commercial cloud stacks to run applications, a lack of both control and visibility paired with increasing cloud complexity can create situations that blindside business owners.

VMware Tanzu Mission Control Now Integrates with VMware Tanzu Observability by Wavefront

Since the VMware Tanzu portfolio was introduced last year at VMworld, we have brought to market multiple Tanzu products and services to help our customers deliver better software faster, by automating the modern app lifecycle, running Kubernetes across clouds, and unifying and optimizing multi-cloud operations.

Tanzu Tuesdays - 15 Factor Applications on Kubernetes with DaShaun Carter

Perhaps you have heard of 12-factor apps, cloud-native, or 15-factor apps. Maybe you have wondered if cloud-native was right for you. In this session we will explore how to deliver apps using this methodology on Kubernetes. We will start by explaining the 15-factors. We will also review the cloud native features that are built into Kubernetes. Then we will create a new application, for Kubernetes, and demonstrate how to make it “15 factor cloud native on Kubernetes” !

Tanzu Tuesdays - Getting Started with Steeltoe and .NET Microservices with David Dieruf

If you are creating new .NET microservices for the cloud, modernizing existing applications for the cloud, or just plain moving apps to containers, Steeltoe is here to make things much easier. There is a list of things every microservice on a cloud platform should be good at. Unlike IIS on virtual machines an application running in a container is ephemeral - it could be run here today or there tomorrow. Microservices need to be resilient to this change but developers shouldn’t spend loads of time coding for this.

Getting Started with Kubernetes? Then Get to Know the New Tanzu Application Service

You’re deploying Kubernetes, congratulations! This is an important first step toward a faster path to production. Your next step should be to download the new beta of VMware Tanzu Application Service. Better software does not add value unless it furthers an organization’s business goals, and regardless of what your organization’s business goals are, Kubernetes in combination with Tanzu Application Service will help you reach them.

Deploy Python Apps Into Production In Seconds!

Getting your Python code into production is the most rewarding thing you can do. It's where users meet your apps, and where you finally get recognition for the time, energy, and skill that you've poured into your code. But without the right platform, getting Python into production can be a real pain in the proverbial. Let Ben Wilcock (@benbravo73) show you how to do it in seconds using open-source tools.

Build Docker Containers For Python Apps Like A Pro

Python apps go great with containers. Docker, Kubernetes, Cloudfoundry, Public Cloud, Private Cloud, they're all awesome places to run your containers. But getting your apps into containers is a tricky business, particularly if you have tens or hundreds of apps to manage, and maintain. Your containers have to be secure, reproducible, and easy to rebuild when vulnerabilities strike or upgrades are required.

VMware Tanzu Application Service 2.10 Adds New CLI, Eases Upgrades with More Flexible Control Plane

VMware Tanzu Application Service 2.10 is now generally available (GA) on the Tanzu Network. As SpringOne approaches, it’s only fitting to have a new Tanzu Application Service release to talk about. Spring and Tanzu Application Service is the dynamic duo that drives superior business outcomes for enterprises around the world.

4 Secrets to Remote Agile Success

Agile teams are designed to respond to change. But even for the most seasoned agile teams, responding to the changes brought about by COVID-19 was a pretty tall order. This is the story of how one agile team responded to the abrupt transition to remote work without missing a beat, and without losing its sense of synergy. If you’re in need of some tips on how agile software teams can maintain both their productivity and their morale while remote, this post is for you.