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January 2023

PeopleCert Announces Need to Renew ITIL Certifications Every 3 Years

PeopleCert announced the launch of a new Continuing Professional Development program by which “all candidates with a PeopleCert Global Best Practice certification can choose to renew within three years of their original certification dates.” This radically changes the situation for certified professionals since ITIL certifications were perpetual – until now.

How to Automate Contract Expiration Reminders and Avoid Missing Deadlines

With a large number of contracts constantly in flux, it's easy for any organization to forget when a contract is superseded by a new version or expires altogether. This can lead to missed opportunities and even costly fines if certain aspects of contract compliance aren't adhered to. For busy IT teams, it is increasingly important to stay on top of contract expiration dates and create remedies to keep up with the fast-paced changes.

How to Build a CMDB: The ABC of a Successful CMDB Implementation

As an organization grows, so does its business and IT infrastructure. The relationship between assets gets more complex, so it becomes essential to keep a map of that ecosystem to anticipate issues, optimize your budget, and reduce downtime. That’s exactly why you should learn how to build a CMDB (Configuration Management Database).

Non-IT Asset Inventory: How to Create it and Track Non-IT Assets

The main purpose of ITAM software is to provide you with a complete and comprehensive inventory of your organization’s IT assets. However, narrowing this to technology leaves out non-IT assets, and prevents you from managing your stock cost-effectively. For that reason, it’s essential to build a non-IT asset inventory along with the hardware and software ones. This way, you’ll have a truly unified inventory to see your assets’ relations and act in consequence.

How to Manage Software Licenses with InvGate Insight

Someone just asked you for some software. What's next? Do you know what you own and what's available? Software License Management (SLM) is critical to IT Asset Management (ITAM) and is in charge of tracking, controlling, and managing the usage and distribution of software licenses within an organization. If you learn how to manage software licenses efficiently, you're in for a treat! The benefits of SLM are multiple and include.

9 Go-To SysAdmin Password Generators

System Administrators use various tools to get the job done. Among that tech stack, SysAdmin password generators are an absolute must. However, there are a lot of options to choose from, and making the right choice can often be a daunting task. Similar as we did a while ago with enterprise password managers, let’s review the favorites, and break their pros and cons down into digestible information.

Excel for Asset Management: 10 Reasons to Ditch your Spreadsheet ASAP

As much as some IT admins may claim otherwise, using Excel for Asset Management is not a good idea. MS Excel is a powerful tool and has served analysts, accountants, finance personnel, the logistics team, and even IT admins ever since its inception. It has become one of the most ubiquitous office software ever since its initial release. Of late, Google released Sheets, a product similar to Microsoft Excel, as a potential competitor.