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May 2024

Tracealyzer v4.9 Now Available

Tracealyzer version 4.9.0 is now available for download. Installation on Linux has been greatly simplified. A new “standalone” installation package includes everything needed to run the software. Linux users no longer need to install dependencies like Mono or libgconf to use Tracealyzer. An updated new installation guide is provided for Linux users, that is much shorter than before. New users are up and running in a few minutes.

Major Improvements For Linux Users In Tracealyzer v4.9

Installation on Linux has been greatly simplified in the upcoming Tracealyzer v4.9. The installation package now includes everything needed to run the software. Linux users no longer need to install dependencies like Mono or libgconf. Instead, a native Linux binary is provided (for x86-64) with the Mono runtime integrated. Most other dependencies have been replaced or removed. You are up and running in a few minutes. We have also spent a lot of time improving the overall user experience on Linux.