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February 2021

Ruby and Python clients for Elastic Enterprise Search now generally available

Back in our 7.10 release of the Elastic Stack, we announced the beta of our Ruby and Python clients for Elastic Enterprise Search. Now, with 7.11, both the Ruby and Python clients are generally available. We’ve also begun work on a PHP client. All client source code for both enterprise-search-ruby and enterprise-search-python is available on GitHub. Documentation on how to get started with each client is available on elastic.co.

How to monitor NVIDIA GPU metrics with Elastic Observability

Graphical processing units, or GPUs, aren’t just for PC gaming. Today, GPUs are used to train neural networks, simulate computational fluid dynamics, mine Bitcoin, and process workloads in data centers. And they are at the heart of most high-performance computing systems, making the monitoring of GPU performance in today's data centers just as important as monitoring CPU performance.

Testing the new Elasticsearch cold tier of searchable snapshots at scale

The cold tier of searchable snapshots, previously beta in Elasticsearch 7.10, is now generally available in Elasticsearch 7.11. This new data tier reduces your cluster storage by up to 50% over the warm tier while maintaining the same level of reliability and redundancy as your hot and warm tiers.

Top 5 SIEM trends of 2021 and how Elastic Security solves them

Security information and event management (SIEM) systems are centralized logging platforms that enable security teams to analyze event data in real time for early detection of targeted cyber attacks and data breaches. A SIEM is used as a tool to collect, store, investigate, and report on log data for threat detection, incident response, forensics, and regulatory compliance.

How to monitor Amazon ECS with Elastic Observability

With an increasing number of organizations migrating their applications and workloads to containers, the ability to monitor and track container health and usage is more critical than ever. Many teams are already using the Metricbeat docker module to collect Docker container monitoring data so it can be stored and analyzed in Elasticsearch for further analysis. But what happens when users are using Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)? Can Metricbeat still be used to monitor Amazon ECS? Yes!

Explore and analyze your deployment costs within Elastic Cloud

We are excited to announce the new Elastic Cloud usage analysis page. You can now explore and analyze your Elastic Cloud usage to better understand how the resources you consume contribute to your monthly bill. Your Elastic Cloud monthly bill consists of usage fees for the resources you used, including: Understanding your resource utilization allows you to make smarter decisions about your Elastic deployments as well as identify areas where you may be able to save costs.

Creating a Day of Week Runtime Field and Using It in Kibana

The video contains a demonstration of the creation of a runtime field in which the day of the week is calculated from a timestamp field that contains the date. A visualization is then created in Kibana Lens using an indexed field and the newly created runtime field. Runtime field is the name given to the implementation of schema on read in Elasticsearch.

Shadow an Indexed Field With a Runtime Field to Fix Errors

The video contains a demonstration of using a runtime field to fix errors in the indexed data. We intentionally index documents with some errors, and then use a runtime field to shadow the indexed field. The demonstration shows how a user querying the data or creating a visualization in Kibana Lens will see the correct information, which is calculated in the runtime field. This scenario allows for immediate fixing of errors in the indexed data by shadowing them with runtime fields (instead of reindexing). Runtime field is the name given to the implementation of schema on read in Elasticsearch.

Istio monitoring with Elastic Observability

Istio is an open source service mesh that can be used by developers and operators to successfully control, secure, and connect services together in the world of distributed microservices. While Istio is a powerful tool for teams, it's also important for administrators to have full visibility into its health. In this blog post, we'll take a look at monitoring Istio and its microservices with Elastic Observability. As the Istio docs mention.

Getting started with runtime fields, Elastic's implementation of schema on read

Historically, Elasticsearch has relied on a schema on write approach to make searching data fast. We are now adding schema on read capabilities to Elasticsearch so that users have the flexibility to alter a document's schema after ingest and also generate fields that exist only as part of the search query. Together, schema on read and schema on write provides users with the choice to balance performance and flexibility based on their needs.

Runtime fields: Schema on read for Elastic

In 7.11, we’re excited to announce support for schema on read in the Elastic Stack. We now offer the best of both worlds on a single platform — the performance and scale of the existing schema on write mechanism that our users love and depend on, coupled with a new level of flexibility for defining and executing queries with schema on read. We call our implementation of schema on read runtime fields.

Dynamically Created Runtime Fields

The video contains a demonstration of the creation of an index template that defines that unknown fields will be created as runtime fields. Documents are then indexed into an index that inherits from that template, and because these documents contain fields that are not defined in the template, the fields are automatically created as runtime fields (i.e. these fields are usable for search and aggregation, but are not indexed). Runtime field is the name given to the implementation of schema on read in Elasticsearch.

Elastic 7.11 released: General availability of searchable snapshots and the new cold tier, and the beta of schema on read

We are pleased to announce the general availability (GA) of Elastic 7.11. This release brings a broad set of new capabilities to our Elastic Enterprise Search, Observability, and Security solutions, which are built into the Elastic Stack — Elasticsearch and Kibana. This release enables customers to optimize for cost, performance, insight, and flexibility with the general availability of searchable snapshots and the beta of schema on read.

Elastic Stack alerting now generally available

We are thrilled to announce the general availability of alerting in the Elastic Stack with the release of 7.11. With deep integrations throughout our products and solutions, a laser focus on distinguishing signal from noise, and tie-ins to the third-party platforms you depend on like email, PagerDuty, ServiceNow, and Microsoft Teams, building, using, and acting on alerts in Elastic has never been more powerful.

Introducing the Elastic App Search web crawler

In Elastic Enterprise Search 7.11, we’re thrilled to announce the beta launch of Elastic App Search web crawler, a simple yet powerful way to ingest publicly available web content so it becomes instantly searchable on your website. Making content on these websites searchable can take several forms. Elastic App Search already lets users ingest content via JSON uploading, JSON pasting, and through API endpoints.

French Ministry of Armed Forces picks Elastic Cloud to fight COVID-19 and future pandemics

WaKED-CO (Watch of Knowledge on Emergent Diseases COVID-19) is an initiative launched in record time — deployed just a month after developing a prototype — under the leadership of the health service within the Ministry of Armed Forces in France. The project had one core mission: to make it easier to research the literature around the COVID-19 crisis.

Understanding and Debugging Applications Using the Service Map

Elastic APM is an application performance monitoring system built on the Elastic Stack. Elastic APM makes it easy to pinpoint and fix performance problems quickly. In this video, you will learn what distributed tracing is, how it can be used to better understand your environment, and how service maps give you a quick overview of your architecture.

Why Cisco embraces Elastic for IT infrastructure transparency

This post is a recap of a presentation given at ElasticON 2020. Interested in seeing more talks like this? Check out the conference archive. Network infrastructure is the engine that drives a company’s business. As companies scale, assets that compose this infrastructure become more complex to manage. That means there’s more hardware, more software, and more subscriptions and services that require tracking.

How to build a malware analysis sandbox with Elastic Security

As a security analyst on Elastic’s InfoSec team, a common scenario we see is users coming to our team and asking: “Is this file safe to open?” Or one user reports a phishing email with an attachment that they didn’t open, but we see from the logs that 10 other users also received that email but didn’t report it and no alerts went off on their systems.

Understanding and Debugging Applications Using Traces - Version 7.10

Elastic APM is an application performance monitoring system built on the Elastic Stack. Elastic APM makes it easy to pinpoint and fix performance problems quickly. In this video, you will learn what traces are and how they can be used to better understand your applications.

Introducing Elastic License v2, simplified and more permissive; SSPL remains an option

When we announced our license change for Elasticsearch and Kibana, moving the Apache 2.0-licensed source code to be dual licensed under both the Elastic License and SSPL, we also mentioned we would work closely with the community on a simplified and more permissive version of the Elastic License. I am happy to share the results with you. The Elastic License is already widely used.