Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

March 2022

APIs for IT Monitoring Solutions

The majority of monitoring and management solutions used in enterprises provide their customers with APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and a CLI to facilitate DevOps type workflows. With IaC (Infrastructure as Code) becoming de facto and ubiquitous, decent APIs have long been a must have on product evaluation checklists; there are of course a few exceptions – namely products aimed only at SMB (Small and Medium Business), immature startups, or freeware.

Citrix Workspace Monitoring and Management

This is another customer blog highlighting common customer scenarios that we typically see while working with large enterprise customers. There are many use cases in regard to a typical Citrix Digital Workspace environment where the endpoint is managed by a different team, outsourced to an external organization, or even unmanaged when employees work from home on a non-corporate device.

New Monitoring Features and Dashboards in eG Enterprise

Small thoughtful, beautifully packed gifts are the best – just like our UI features Sometimes it is the small things that infuriate IT users the most – those tiny annoyances in a GUI that make you use some annoying and clunky workaround several times a day. Our eG Enterprise product management team understands this, and as our customers know, we are always willing to consider even small feature changes to improve usability.

Citrix Performance Monitoring: What, Why and How

Organizations in all verticals and sizes are deploying digital workspaces to offer secure, remote access to employees and partners – in many cases, across a wide area of networks. Citrix workspace technologies are the most popular form of digital workspaces. In this blog, we discuss what is Citrix monitoring, why it is important, and what tools you need to monitor Citrix infrastructures effectively to ensure optimal digital employee experience (DEX).

Cloud Application Performance Monitoring

Source: APM in the new normal, survey by eG Innovations and DevOps Institute Cloud adoption is increasing at a rapid pace. The eG Innovations & DevOps Institute APM survey indicates that 88% of organizations are using at least one form of cloud technology. Organizations move to the cloud for agility – they can deploy and have applications running in the cloud in minutes. Cloud computing also offers options for high availability, automated backups, and such.

System Monitoring for AWS EC2 Cloud Instances with AWS CloudWatch

In this blog post, I follow on from my previous blog on AWS CloudWatch Part 1 of 2 to explore how you can go beyond basic agentless CloudWatch monitoring by deploying the CloudWatch agent and some of the key information and planning you need to do this. I’ll also cover how eG Enterprise offers out-of-the-box functionality to avoid complex JSON scripting or tooling to implement monitoring.

Threads in Java

A thread, in the context of Java, is the path followed when executing a program. All Java programs have at least one thread, known as the main thread, which is created by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) at the program’s start, when the main() method is invoked with the main thread. In Java, creating a thread is accomplished by implementing an interface and extending a class. Every Java thread is created and controlled by the java.lang.Thread class.

What is Garbage Collection in Java?

For many, the world of Java is shrouded in mystery and endeavor. One such endeavor is garbage collection. There is many a viewpoint on garbage collection – whether it is good or bad, when is it needed, how often should it run, how to tune garbage collection operation, how to know when it is not operating as expected, and so on. In this educational post, we will try to clear the air on Java garbage collection and make it easy for developers and administrators to deal with it.

Empower IT Help Desks: Deliver Business Value with IT Service Monitoring

On one of the EUC slack forums, a question was recently posted asking what are the key lessons learned in the last year and what changes organizations should investigate in the next year. The answers were revealing. Several folks pointed out that prior to the pandemic, we were operating within the comfort zone of carefully planned deployments with managed devices and managed networks.