Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

July 2024

9 Key Considerations for Monitoring Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Workloads

The Azure Well-Architected Framework for Azure Virtual Desktop Workloads details certain key considerations that you should include when architecting the monitoring of your AVD workloads and deployments. These key considerations are: Whilst native tools are provided, to meet the criteria of the Azure Well-Architected Framework, significant configuration is needed to leverage Azure Monitor. Monitoring AVD requires you to configure at least one Log Analytics workspace.

Protect Your Organization with the Ideal Business Continuity Strategy

Do you have a Business Continuity Strategy? A successful business always has strategies to keep it running. But even with the best strategies, disruptions can always occur and cause losses. Natural disasters, pandemics, human error, fires, and other unpredictable events can potentially affect how you run your organization and serve customers. The best way to shield your business from the crippling effects of a crisis is to have a business continuity strategy.