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The latest News and Information on Continuous Integration and Development, and related technologies.

Power Up Helm Charts: Using Kustomize to Manage Kubernetes Deployments

Operations teams need to automate deployment of applications, and Helm is the industry-standard solution for deploying to Kubernetes. Like many software vendors, we provide Helm charts for installing Artifactory and other JFrog DevOps platform products, designed for the standard/recommended configurations most teams will need. These templates provide customers a limited set of configuration options.

DevSecOps for Kubernetes-based Applications

In this webinar, we will discuss concerns over security, privacy, and compliance holding back organizations from making the move to fully cloud-native initiatives. As more and more companies orchestrate their containerized applications in Kubernetes, enabling DevSecOps and continuous security becomes a must. We will look at the end-to-end SDLC process - from the first line of code up to an application running in a Kubernetes cluster - to examine the importance of DevSecOps.

The CI/CD Experience: Kubernetes Edition - Fireside Chat

With Kubernetes, everything from deployment to monitoring to scaling is more standardized and inherently easier to automate. This presents the possibility to achieve a more effective and comprehensive Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) experience. We can incorporate the practice of infrastructure-as-code and take advantage of a flourishing ecosystem of tools to improve and fully automate our application deployment strategies. In this session, we'll tour the landscape of new Kubernetes-centric tooling, including Tekton, Kustomize, and ArgoCD. We'll also explore how GitOps can be leveraged for CI/CD.

Real-time impact tracking and notifications

Your team is practicing DevOps and you’re delivering some flavor of Continuous Delivery. You’re deploying anywhere from three times a week to twenty times a day. You are moving fast! At that speed, how do you know if you are moving things in the right direction? Hopefully, your team has defined some key SLIs that define your application’s health.

Live or Die by 2022: DevOps in the Digital-First Economy

For companies to survive until 2022, they’ll need to focus on two things: Binaries and Edges. We’ve just wrapped up swampUP 2020, where we showcased this bold idea. We heard from you firsthand how DevOps Fast Forward is a must, and how software must be able to be distributed anywhere to enable the continuity of any business. Your experience confirmed how the global crisis has accelerated the digital transformation in your companies.

We've Raised $27 Million in New Funding, Here's How We're Investing It

Today we’re announcing a new round of funding that brings an additional $27M to help us invest in growing and building Codefresh. When we started, we wanted to revolutionize the way people build and deploy software with continuous integration and delivery. I’m proud to say that we were the first platform to see the game-changing value of containers and Kubernetes.

3 ways to bridge the DevOps gap between tools and teams

This blog is part of our series on how to use Atlassian features, automations, and integrations to take time back to ship better code, faster. Click here for the full list of 12+ new features or follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date! Picture this: you've landed in a Development team that practices DevOps religiously (or maybe you're even leading one!). But despite spending hours integrating your tools and reading your edition of the Phoenix Project, you still feel like there's something missing.