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The latest News and Information on Cloud monitoring, security and related technologies.

Running Lambdas on your Laptop

Serverless has the potential to bring massive ops advantages to projects of all sizes, but while it presents great business benefits, we need to spare a thought for how teams develop on serverless. I recently published ‘Serverless Development is Broken’ a list of concerns about how developers can work with long deploy times inherent in a cloud-only code environment.

How to Empower DevOps to Make Better Cloud Cost Decisions

When it comes to cloud strategy, companies rank “cutting costs” as their top priority for 2019, according to a recent Datamation survey. That’s not to say that they plan to cut back on cloud spending in general; in fact, those budgets are very much expected to grow. Rather, companies are looking for ways to reduce unnecessary costs and optimize cloud spend.

When to Scale Up in RDS: Freeable Memory

Monitoring freeable memory will help you know when it is time to scale your Amazon RDS cluster. Freeable memory is not reported by the database, but rather by the OS. Freeable memory is the combination of unused and temporarily used memory. It is the memory that the system can grant without adverse effects. When an Amazon RDS instance runs out of freeable memory the OS may do up to three things.

Use Caution When Enabling Default Encryption of New EBS Volumes

Amazon has enabled a great new feature for cloud security: Default Encryption for New EBS Volumes. When enabled in a region, any new EBS volume that is created will automatically by encrypted with the configured KMS key. At first glance, this sounds great. However, here there be monsters, as the saying goes, if you are copying EBS snapshots or AMI images across AWS accounts.

Better Logging for Lambda Functions

Serverless architectures such as AWS Lambda have created new challenges in debugging code. Without a solid logging framework in place, you could waste hours, or even days, tracking down simple defects in your functions. A strategic logging framework can be a powerful way to track down and resolve bugs. Let’s walk through how to get the most out of logging Lambda functions.

The key to multi-cloud success

In the era of cloud-based architectures, companies have implemented multiple cloud platforms but have yet to reap the full benefits. Whether it’s Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure (or some combination thereof), a recent Forrester study found that nearly 86 percent of enterprises have incorporated a multi-cloud strategy.

Deploying a serverless data processing workflow with AWS Step Functions

This is the first of a two-part blog series. In this post we’ll use Stackery to configure and deploy a serverless data processing architecture that utilizes AWS Step Functions to coordinate multiple steps within a workflow. In the next post we’ll expand this architecture with additional workflow logic to highlight techniques for increasing resiliency and reliability.