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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

Introduction to Kubernetes Namespaces

Kubernetes clusters can manage large numbers of unrelated workloads concurrently and organizations often choose to deploy projects created by separate teams to shared clusters. Even with relatively light use, the number of deployed objects can quickly become unmanageable, slowing down operational responsiveness and increasing the chance of dangerous mistakes.

Zero Trust Security: Supporting a CARTA approach with Network Security

Learn how to support, what Gartner has termed, a continuous adaptive risk and trust assessment (CARTA) when building a CaaS platform using Kubernetes. Network security enables microsegmentation and is a core component of a zero trust security model. It allows you to protect your workloads against threats without relying on assumptions about the network, infrastructure, and workloads.

Why I Changed My Mind and Embraced Managed Kubernetes Services

I am embracing managed Kubernetes services and here’s my journey. While I attended KubeCon 2018 ready to soak up all I could about Kubernetes and the cloud-native ecosystem, I sought to learn as much as I could to aid me in running my clusters day to day. More importantly, though, I experienced a fundamental shift in what I see as the future of Kubernetes, and what getting started in Kubernetes looks like for companies today.

Monitoring Kubernetes + Docker, part 2: Prometheus

In part 1 of this series, I discussed the rise of microservice architecture and the reliance on Kubernetes and Docker for container orchestration and management. I also shared some of the challenges these new technologies present and what sources of data we need in order to effectively monitor our Kubernetes environments.

101 More Security Best Practices for Kubernetes

This article analyzes the recent CNCF article, '9 Kubernetes Security Best Practices Everyone Must Follow' and discusses how Rancher, RKE, and RancherOS satisfy these by default. I also discuss the Rancher Hardening Guide, which covers 101 more security changes that will secure your Kubernetes clusters.

The Key Message from KubeCon NA 2018: Prometheus is King

I made the trip up to Seattle for KubeCon North America at the end of 2018 along with a bunch of us from Sumo Logic. KubeCon is a conference that specializes in all things Kubernetes and focuses on updating the world on the state of the Kubernetes ecosystem. This year’s event was massive with 8,000 attendees, and talks given by representatives from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure to name a few big wigs that were there.

Kubernetes Networking with Calico

In this post, I’m going to cover some of the fundamentals of how Calico works. I really don’t like the idea that with these Kubernetes deployments, you simply grab a yaml file and deploy it, sometimes with little to no explanation of what’s actually happening. Hopefully, this post will servce to better understand what’s going on.

OpsRamp Joins the CNCF

OpsRamp is proud to announce that we’ve joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). As cloud-native adoption within the enterprise grows at an accelerated pace and Kubernetes emerges as the leading orchestration platform for containerized applications, we’ve been actively developing new enhancements and features to support these innovative technologies.