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Cost Management

The latest News and Information on Cost Management and related technologies.

Why Finance Teams Love CloudZero (Even if It's Built for Engineering)

CloudZero is a platform that helps you understand cost — but that doesn't mean it's purely a finance tool. In fact, unlike most other cloud cost management and optimization solutions, it’s built for engineering. However, CloudZero still makes a lot of finance teams very happy. First of all, the work that engineering teams do while using CloudZero saves money, which every finance team appreciates.

Finance: Why Getting Answers From Engineering About Your AWS Bill Is So Difficult

It’s no secret that AWS bills are confusing. But it’s particularly difficult for the team who actually writes the check to Amazon for hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars — yet has never personally seen what the inside of the AWS portal looks like (and probably never will).

7 Reasons Engineering and DevOps Teams Love CloudZero

CloudZero is a cloud cost intelligence solution that puts engineering in control of cloud cost. We set out to disrupt the cost management and optimization space by building a solution that was designed around the way engineers work — so cost becomes a tradeoff during the software development process, rather than a massive disruption. We often get asked what actually makes us such an engineering-friendly solution? Well, here are seven reasons why engineering and DevOps teams love CloudZero.

Azure Cost Optimization: 10 Ways to Save on Azure

Cloud has become an integral part of modern businesses as extra resources keep moving towards it. Budgeting cloud expenses has come into focus with its massive expenditure in IT. Azure usage optimization entails several modes through which an organization can save on costs. Let's look into ten ways to save on Azure.

How Do You Measure Technical Debt? (and What To Do About It)

Technical debt is an important — but often unclear — concept for engineering teams. In software development, technical debt, also called code debt or tech debt, is defined as the cost of refactoring a piece of code or system to keep it working efficiently. It can be caused by outdated architecture, a change in requirements, or the result of choosing an easier solution instead of a better, but more difficult one.

Explore and analyze your deployment costs within Elastic Cloud

We are excited to announce the new Elastic Cloud usage analysis page. You can now explore and analyze your Elastic Cloud usage to better understand how the resources you consume contribute to your monthly bill. Your Elastic Cloud monthly bill consists of usage fees for the resources you used, including: Understanding your resource utilization allows you to make smarter decisions about your Elastic deployments as well as identify areas where you may be able to save costs.

How CloudZero Built an Engineering Culture of Cost Autonomy

As a cloud cost intelligence company, we often like to say “every line of code is a buying decision”. If you’re running on AWS or one of the other big cloud providers, you know that a simple decision about how to architect an application can have a significant impact on your future cost of goods sold (COGS). However, in my experience, many engineering teams don’t discuss cost — at least not until it’s already become a problem.

Continuous Optimization in AWS CodePipeline using CloudFormation

For those of you who aren’t familiar with AWS CodePipeline, it’s a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) framework that enables application development teams to deliver code updates more frequently and reliably. You may have also heard it being called a CI/CD or DevOps pipeline. These pipelines have always traditionally been used to deploy the components of a certain application whenever new code in “checked-in”.

Should You Build Your Own Cloud Cost Optimization Tool? 3 Questions To Ask Yourself

This is a follow up to a blog series where we explore DIY cloud cost management, monitoring, and optimization tools. In the first, we investigated how Lyft, Netflix, Segment, Expedia, and Slack built theirs. Check it out here. “Build versus buy” is the eternal question for every engineering and DevOps team setting out to solve a technical problem. In the cloud cost monitoring and optimization world, both options can take on many forms.

Why choose Anodot for AWS cloud costs monitoring?

Anodot collects AWS real-time usage metrics and AWS CUR files to enable full visibility. Anodot automatically learns each service usage pattern, using patented anomaly detection technology and alert relevant teams to anomalous spikes or drops in real-time. Our patented anomaly detection technology learns the behavior and every service you use - EC2, S3, ELB and the rest, to automatically identify any deviation from the expected usage and cost pattens. Leave alert storms, false positives, and dashboards behind and leverage the power of proactive, autonomous monitoring.